Summer is quickly approaching, so it is about time for us to start going on our long walks again. One of our favorite activities is walking around the city with the two pooches and completing errands. Its great being teachers in the summer, because we can venture out to any store or even the dog park and all the places will be relatively empty. Normally, we do not take our pooches to the dog park, because they are just too crazy and overcrowded, but in the summer most people are working during the day and that means the dog parks are pretty much all ours. Since the pooches are very high maintenance, they need a lot of toys when we head to the park, which is where the
Ruff Wear Palisades Dog Pack comes in handy. Before we bought this dog pack, I would carry all of their toys, treats, water and water bowl in my backpack, which would mean that I would get really hot and my back will be all sweaty. So now with this pack, the pooches can carry their own stuff, including water because the Palisades dog pack has two internal refillable bladders. Plus its nice for the pooches, because they walk better on leash when they believe they are on a mission. This bag is really well made, we've used this bag all last summer and parts of this winter and it is still in excellent condition. A really nice feature is the quick release where the bag can be removed by unclipping three clips. So when we are sitting around, the dogs do not have to sit around with the packs on them.