Saturday, September 9, 2017

Saying Goodbye to Miss M

Thursday we said goodbye to our Miss M.
It was sudden. And being Miss M, we were sure she would pull out of it like she had so many times before.
Because...she is Miss M.
Miss M always had the biggest personality in the room.
People loved meeting her.
Someone at the West Town dog parade said it best "I've met a lot of friendly dogs, but this one takes the cake".
The Friar even stepped out of the play at Shakespeare in the Park because he wanted to say hi to her!
She was the perfect dog owner for Mr. B and the best older sister for Baby K. She always made sure Mr. B was warm and well cuddled. As for Baby K, she was really gentle and patient with him from his first days in our home and we could not ask for better older siblings than Miss M and Mr. B. Though Baby K will never remember his life with Miss M, we are certain she has made him a better human as she did for all of us.
Miss M drills Baby K on his tummy time
We always knew she would be the perfect role model for Baby K. She had so much love to give that everyone she met instantly became her best friend. Even though people would judge her before meeting her, she always greeted them with a huge grin and a lick.
She always had the best expressions.
Sometimes we thought she was part goat. Or donkey. Or gorilla.
And she had the softest fur. People were always exclaiming that her ears were like velvet. She loved getting out there. We couldn't even think about things to add to her bucket list because she had already done everything. She had no regrets.
There is still so much to tell. And we still want to be able to tell it.
We haven't had a chance to write about their biking adventures yet!
We are grateful to everyone who rooted for her and loved her as much as we did.
Our Mazzy Star.