We have found a reason to use Easy Cheese beyond our college years. We have started using it for the dog training and the dogs absolutely love it. It is much easier to treat the dogs by giving them a squirt of Easy Cheese, plus it's much easier to hold then a bunch of dog treats. Although it does go against the
Raw Food Diet idea, it makes training on our walks much easier.
Would love to see u using it, I mean you what squirt it in their mouth directly or on your finger, show me, my pibble is in training!
This is one of our older posts! We like the cheese because the can is so easy to just hold and squirt directly into their mouths. The pooches see the can and just get excited, and it's easier (and smells better!) than holding treats. The downfall we've since found out....our pooches packed on way too many pounds. I guess it's similar to any collage kid who eats this. We still use this in moderation while training, and have upgraded their diet.
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