Mr. B has a stalking problem. He tends to follow me all over the house. Even if I run into our second bedroom for a quick task, he'll be there getting all nice and cozy on the sherpa floor rug and as soon as I leave, he'll get up and follow me to my next destination.
If I'm in the halls, he'll just follow behind me in the hall and stop when I stop, look up at me and then continue to follow me.
Sometimes in the morning, he'll sit right by our bathroom watching us get ready for the day.
A says that Mr. B is always waiting right in front of the bathroom every morning as she gets ready for work.
When I use the second bathroom, he is usually waiting right outside to greet me.
I can't even lay on the sofa, without a gigantic face in my face.
Just like Ms. M, he likes to stick his head on the bed and watch us wake up. Its funny b/c he's a lot shorter than Ms. M.
When I leave for work in the morning, Mr. B is there watching me as I take off on my bike.
Though it could get annoying at times, I would not have it any other way. I love how Mr. B is loyal and wants to be with me throughout the day. However, at night it is a different story. When he's tired he'll just retire into the nest in our bedroom with Ms. M and not give A or me another thought.
Aw! I love it! Nemo does this too. When I'm putting my make up on and straightening my hair in the morning he just plops down on the bath mat right in the bathroom with me, waiting until I go do something else. I love that you can see how Mr. B's tail is wagging like crazy in those photos too!
we seem to get woken up by pups staring at us as well and the girls just love to hang out in the bathroom when we get ready
Do you think he learned some of his behaviors from the Over-Attention-Paying Ms. M? I noticed in the picture of them curled up together on the pillow, Ms. M is certainly paying attention!
aww thats the most handshum stalker we have ever seen. its better to wake up to a gigantic face as opposed to toxic gas from our tooches.just ask our mommish teehee
the houston pittie pack
Sometimes I am a stalker too. I just know when there is the possibility of action. Of course I know when to give up too, like when momma runs the splashy things in the wet room which means she will be going to the work place. Then I just go to the dog cave. Sigh.
My cat, The Beast, used to burst into the bathroom every morning as I was getting ready for work. She'd heave herself onto the floor and start washing herself with a vengeance like maybe she was trying to catch up with me. I still miss her.
And I have to say, your Mr. B. would be a welcome stalker compared to a few I endured during my single days!!
I don't think you'll be needing any pepper spray. ;)
Gorgeous dog...
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