Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Chicagoing: Neighborhood "Warzone" during July 4th

Our neighborhood is quite "firework friendly" with our neighbors setting of fireworks year-round often for no reason at all. On the 4th our neighborhood actually becomes a type of war zone with people setting of fireworks from all sides and even on the busy streets. Not knowing how the pooches would take it this year, we rushed home as quickly as we could from a cookout with my family in the northern suburbs to make sure they were okay. The sight on the expressway when we were driving back was pretty amazing; fireworks were going off all around as we drove into the city. While we did enjoy the show, it also made us worried knowing our neighborhood probably sounded like a war zone and the pooches would be sitting all alone at home. When we got home, the pooches seemed to be okay and they even came outside to hang out with us as we watched the fireworks exploding all around us from the comfort of our outdoor sofa. Ms. M and Wilma could care less about the fireworks and actually fell asleep on the porch. Mr. B on the other hand stayed outside but kept scanning the sky for fireworks. Eventually Wilma and Ms. M went inside to sleep, but we could not get Mr. B to go inside. Mr. B really loves hanging out on the porch and apparently he was going to stay out despite the fireworks. This video shows how our neighborhood was really like a war zone, but the pooches were able to brave the noise:


  1. Aww, I'm glad the fireworks didn't freak the dogs out. Mr. B was a trooper! I was able to see part of the Montrose Beach fireworks from my back bedroom windows. Was a nice surprise and a great show!

  2. We took the dogs out to potty Sunday night while the fireworks were going off (Darla's choice not ours). Boots reacted just like Mr. B. He kept staring up at the sky for more. Darla on the other hand, could care less about them.

    They didn't seem to care about the noise when they could tell where it was coming from, but while inside the loud booms caused them to bark.

    I'm glad Miss M, Wilma, and Mr. B did well.

    -Boots' mom

  3. It's great that your pals didn't seem to be fazed by the noise. I wasn't upstairs with the guys so I don't know how they reacted to the fireworks going off around here. There was a lot of barking and running around but that may have been because there were a lot of people coming and going all night.

  4. You are so lucky!
    It's illegal to set off fire crackers in residential areas of Davidson County but that hardly stops people.
    So we get stuck at home with our kids for the 4th.
    I so wish they were as entertained at Mr. B is I would have loved to go see the fireworks.

  5. I'm glad the fireworks didn't bother them! One of ours is really phobic about them, so we take everybody down to the basement and let them chill out down there. Better safe than sorry on that front! lol

  6. Hysterical. Mom had the TV so loud we still can't hear..Glad every buddy was ok with all that madness
    Benny & Lily

  7. Im so glad all the dogs did fine during the fireworks, I love the collar on Ms Wilma! I am so happy things are working out so well with all 3 of them. Fred and haylie dont mind the fireworks at all either and its soooo nice for once to not have Fred baying all night!

  8. Good thing you guys are calm because that is an awful lot of fireworks.


  9. That's good they weren't really phased by all the noise!

  10. They seem OK, I am glad. Our neighborhood wasn't quite as noisy this year. My mom, dad and little sister went to the show at Montrose Harbor. The official show was great, but lots of people were setting off their own fireworks right in the crowd. My little sister was pretty scared and I guess there were some freaked out dogs as well. I stayed home, but wish I could have been there to protect my sister.

  11. our neighborhood was like that. Baily gets annoyed because fireworks keep her awake. Mesa doesn't really care about them. BC didn't really seem to notice

  12. hi puppers--great job w/ those fireworks. my big brofur was so opposite of you three. he was very much nervous and afraid. but me and my big sister sat and lay w/ him to calm him down. :)


  13. We are glad the pups did not get upset about the fireworks. I was amazed the kiddlets were 100% not phased!

    The flower collar was a gabe prize winning from The Booker Man - http://www.etsy.com/shop/pecanpiepuppies

  14. My lazy dog didn't even open his eyes when the fireworks started. Please. I practically have to drag him off the couch for his 9:00 evening walk. Monty was a little freaked, but he just snuggled in my neck and all was right with the world. We hear fireworks a lot because we are so close to the big urban park and they go off there fairly often for various events. Nothing like free fireworks from your window.

  15. wow, that was somewhat intense! i'm glad the pups didn't seem to mind the fireworks too much. booker could care less, but asa gets a bit nervous. we leave the tv on for her, and then she does alright.
