Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chicagoing: Labor Day in 10 Pictures

Here is Ms. M, worn out from our most excellent Labor Day adventure. This past Monday marked the last day of our great summer vacation, so we spent our Labor Day trying to tire out the pooches. A woke up early to pick up some breakfast, while I slept in and eventually sauntered out onto the porch and hung out with the pooches. Ms. M was so excited for breakfast, that she was trying to grab the breakfast from A's hands as she walked up the stairs.
Since the weather has cooled off a bit, the pooches are really antsy and the problem is that they will spend more hours indoors now that we have started school. So right after breakfast we took the pooches on a walk around the neighborhood, where Mr. B spotted his long lost best friend, Monsieur Cat.
Mr. B was so excited to see his old chum, that he would keep spinning around as we tried to continue our walk. Eventually Monsieur Cat grew tired and walked away, but poor Mr. B was not done reminiscing about the good ole days.
After our walk, we then all hopped into the car
and headed off to the dog park, where the Ms. M played catch and
Mr. B just zoomed around like the little rabbit that he is.
All of this running, eventually lead to some crazy tackles,

but the pooches were okay. After a good run, the pooches hopped in the car and Mr. B documented our exciting ride home
as well as the aftermath of our morning and afternoon adventure, passing out with Ms. M on the porch.


  1. A great way to spend your last day of summer!


  2. Aww! How fun! It looks like you had the perfect weather to round out your summer adventures! And you might be inspiring me to pick up one of those collar cameras... I love the shots you get!

  3. Looks like the pooches had a really fun day. Can't believe summer is over.

  4. Looks like they had a great time, what a good way to spend the last day of summer.
    Our boys are more alive now that the cooler weather has arrived too:)

  5. Looks like a great time at the dog park! Cranberry and I have really been into the zooms and the tackles the past few days!

  6. Awesome day! I can just see Mr B hopping around like a bunny too cute!
    Mine are going nuts with all the rain we have here! Save me- they could sure use a play date with yall :)

  7. Very exciting! Mr. B: You are totes more brave than me - I'm kinda scared of kitties.

  8. Such a great way to top off a great summer!

  9. fun last day of summer! I love the shot of Mr B with all paws off the ground!

  10. What a good run you guys had this morning. Does that kitty look like a juicy hamburger or a little friend? BOL love the first picture. It looks like the pawparazzi is disturbing your sleep
    Benny & Lily

  11. Look at those happy faces!!! Glad you got another day of fun in before school. Yuck! There's always Columbus Day, right??


  12. hee hee....

    love 'da action shots!!!!

    looks like fun day at 'da doggie parks!!


  13. It always feels so good to tire out the pups :)

  14. tackling is the best part of letting the dogs play off leash :)


  15. That looks like a cool dog park. I can't place it?

    Your pal, Pip

  16. Our Labor Day weekend was spent doing a lot of wearing out of pooches, too! It looks like you guys made the most of the end of summer.

  17. Oh, fun zoomies! Looks great to me.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  18. I love Mr. B's face in the car. That smile says it all!
