Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Doggystyle: Accidentally Dressing like Your Dog

Being big fans of dog rescue groups, we are always happy to buy t-shirts to support the groups and promote pit bulls. I was especially excited to find these t-shirts from Bad Rap which have a Miss M. doppelganger! Although I kind of feel like it's overkill when I'm wearing the shirt AND walking her at the same time. Usually I wear it when she's not around.
E has this "My Best Friend is a Pit Bull" shirt
which I feel can be worn when walking your dog. The outline resembles Mr B, but it doesn't look like you planned to purposely match your dog.
Miss M trying to look like the dog on the shirt:
We also like this Staffy Outline shirt from Broken Hearts, Mended Souls Rescue in Missouri.
 And this I pit New York shirt from Rescuzilla in New York City:
I know The Kabrachers are currently working on some t-shirts. Does any one else have some good rescue t-shirts to share?
UPDATE: And Nashville Pitty just got theirhttp://thekrabachers.blogspot.com/ shirts up on Cafe Press. They even used some pictures with Miss M and Mr B!


  1. Oh, Miss M is SO cute posing like the blue t-shirt! She could have her own line of shirts!


  2. LUVS da T-shirt!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  3. Nice shirts! Mr B is looking pretty intense in all those shots. Were you holding some treats while you were photographing him?

  4. LOVE the shirts! My momma has been looking for cute pitty rescue shirts. She's going to go check out the BadRap site!
    ps. there's a group on facebook called The Positive Pitbull (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Raleigh-NC/The-Positive-Pit-Bull/282575600129) They're working on some cute shirts that should be out soon if they're not out already!

  5. Oh fun! I was planning on doing a t-shirt post today as well. Check it out later this evening! I think I've found one for you.

  6. Mr. T wants one of those "My Best Friend is a Pit Bull" shirts. He has so many shirts already I keep telling him not to do it (but shhhhhh it's going to be a Christmas gift).

  7. What great T-shirts. My mom is always looking for cool stuff like that!

  8. Both Jason and I have "My Best Friend is a Pit Bull" t-shirts from Bad Rap and Levi has a "Judge the Deed, not the Breed" t-shirt. Jason refuses to let him wear it though because it covers his handsomeness. I love the Brindle Bock and all the other beer-style shirts as well.

    Have you seen these vintage-style pit posters from PBRC? I want them all!


    This year she did a really cool Jonny Justice poster:


  9. We are on line now! I'm about to post them!

  10. In addition to the poster, PBRC also has a TON of fun shirts.

    Game Dog Guardian has some positive pit bull shirts that are a bit ... edgier, I guess? A little less "light and fluffy?" You'll see what I mean. I like this one: http://cgi.ebay.com/Pit-Bull-t-shirt-Game-Dog-Guardian-/320524943139?cmd=ViewItem&pt=US_CSA_MC_Shirts&var=&hash=item76be86f502

  11. Great shirts. Mom saw the bad rap guys at a pet expo here in CA.
    Benny & Lily

  12. My mom LUVS the Brindle Bock tee-shirt! Are you sure Miss M didn't model for that? She could have a secret career on the side, you know.

    Mom really likes her "Adoption Good. Homeless Bad" tee-shirt from thisgoodthatbad.com. It's not a pit bull but part of the green papers go to help all sorts of doggies and kittehs.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  13. miss m really could have been the model for that first shirt! my favorite is the "my best friend is a pit bull" shirt.

  14. Miss M was totally the muse when they designed that shirt! It's totally her!

  15. I got a shirt from a greyhound rescue group years ago similar to this one: The 45 mph Couch Potato

  16. We love the Bad Rap selection as well! We also have (though they doesn't support a rescue)shirts that look like the Puma logo but read "pitbull" with a pittie silhouette hopping the letters rather than a puma.

    For Christmas last year we gave one of our young family friends a "my best friend is a pit bull" shirt featuring a photo of him snuggling with our brindle. (He also likes to get postcards from her with photos of T2 and updates on squirrels, daycare and the like.)

  17. I like all of them. Wish I had more pittie shirts. We have an old PBRC one that I don't think they sell anymore. Sienna has a dog short that says "Hello Pitbull" like hello kitty. it's very cute.

  18. Our rescue zazzle store...

  19. OMD! Miss M IS on that shirt. Pittie shirts are so great! I need to get my lovely mug on a t-shirt though I'm staking out a spot on the ma ape's arm. She got her heart dog (Wally) tattooed on her left. There's room for me on the right!

    Otis T. Potus.

  20. Ha I love the way Miss M snuck into that pic :)


  21. Dog clothes for humans are always in style.


  22. Lands End has cute dog t-shirts for kids - not all breeds unfortunately.

    My parents don't dress like me, BUT everyone says my papa and I have the same hair (seriously) and kind of look alike. We both have pretty brown eyes (my mom says) and big poofy hair (if we don't get groomed regularly)

    Your pal, Pip

  23. Those shirts are great!

    My hubby has one that cracks me up. It has a dog wearing a cone and says "It's all fun and games until somebody ends up a cone." Not a rescue shirt, but a darned funny dog lover's shirt!

  24. I think dressing to match your doggy is always in pawfect taste. Love Miss M's expression in that photo. It's priceless.

    lotsa licks, Lola

  25. Those are great shirts!
    Love that you match Miss M:)
    (I have a pullover that has a brown newfie head on it that looks exactly like Sherman) I wear it all the time:)

  26. Very cute! Once, my dad wore a black and tan outfit like me. Jeez, so embarassing!


  27. Mom loves your shirts! We'll have to check out Cafe Press and see if we can pick out Mr. B and Miss M. We'll be on the lookout for rescue tees.
    The Road Dogs

  28. Awww - just saw Miss M and Mr B on the tees! How cool is that! Our fave is the one on the boat :) Good times!
    The Road Dogs

  29. My daughter just received her order from Hello Bully (they are all about pit bull rescue), and you should see her car! It now has at least 4 pit bull bumper stickers. I know they sell Tshirts too, I just haven't bought one yet.
    Miss M should be a model!!

  30. Cute shirts! I love all those, and wish I could buy them all. I may have to buy a few, though ...

    I'm with you, and do get embarrassed sometimes when I'm wearing certain dog shirts - especially the T-Shirt for my dog running business. My logo was designed to look just like my dog. Hmmm...

  31. HA HA HA!!!

    LOL!!! Too Funny!! Their faces next to the pictures of the t-shirts had me cracking up!!

    yes, I must admit... I do the same thing!!
    Plus, Ehem... I, well, Ummm, kind of sort of, match them too sometimes...

    okay.. that's all.. I've said too much...

    I was also laughing at the word
    doppelganger!!!! Rob and I are SyFy fans and always use that word!!

    Very cute post!!!

    Even though we sometimes embarrass our Pups...

    Pugga Momma

  32. We got some great ones from Bad Rap that look like Daisy! I bought several of them and gave them as Christmas gifts last year.
