Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pooches: Daily Walk in 10 Pictures 09.01.10: Downtown Chicago

We were lucky enough to have last weekend's daily walk in downtown Chicago. While we're less than 2 miles from downtown, we rarely take the pooches downtown because we know they would be too tired to walk back home.
Right before we boarded the boat for the Mercury Canine Cruise, we took a quick stroll around downtown. It's pretty rare to see dogs as big as Mr. B and Miss M downtown; most of the downtown dogs are smaller to accommodate high-rise pet size restrictions. Being oddities, they got a lot of pets, stares, and waves.
While crossing the bridge, Mr. B took this photo, with his Pet's Eyeview Camera, to showcase Ms. M's boating attire.
Since we hardly come downtown, we wanted to capture some great landmarks of Chicago such as A's old place of work: the Wrigley Building.
While A was taking this picture of the pooches along the Magnificent Mile, Michigan Avenue,
Mr. B caught this great photo of her on his camera.
Here is his view of Michigan Avenue.
Before we knew it, we had to head back across the bridge to catch the boat, but
Mr. B had to sit and wait on the bridge,
so he took this nice picture of the Chicago River,
while we waited for Ms. M to walk across the bridge. Poor Ms. M, she was really freaked out by the bridge, she crouched down and walked really slow like she was going to fall through.


  1. Mr. B's photography skills are really improving!

    Poor Ms. M. I hope she made it across the big scary bridge unscathed!

  2. Hm, I'm going to have to discuss getting my own camera with my mom! That's a great idea!

  3. Love the picture Mr. B caught of A! Too funny! I hope when I'm in Chicago in two weeks, I get to see these two walking down Michigan Avenue. That would make my day!

  4. Poor Ms. M. Mesa is terrified of buses so all our walks require many stops while they drive past

  5. I love the pictures Mr. B took. I may have to look into one of those for Lola. Poor Ms. M. I'm glad she made it across.

  6. Wow! Mr. B has a great camera and took some fun pictures! Chicago looks like a great city. It's strange for me to imagine two pitties as an oddity but we are a city of bully breads. Glad you got to enjoy downtown with the pups!

  7. Looks like Mr B is having a grand time as his new job as the family
    Photographer. His photo really tell the story. Have A Great Wednesday!

  8. Mr B not only do you qualify as an awesome tour guide but a photographer as well. What next? We always love your pictures
    Benny & Lily

  9. Ms. M is not alone about being freaked out on that bridge. I get a little freaked out myself. I hope I run into you guys some day! I love Mr. B and Ms. M!!

  10. We love to see your tours of the city. The puppy cam is so fun!


    Mr. Nubbin'

  11. We just took Levi downtown for the first time! He went to the Arch, but that's it because it was too hot to walk around any more than that.

    There's a scary suspension bridge in Forest Park that Levi walks over just like Ms. M. You can see through it and he does not like the way it sways when you walk.

    I think Mr. B. should start looking for work as a second shooter for photography. He could do weddings or engagement sessions or even parties. He'll get shots from unique perspectives;)

  12. Mr. B is a wonnerful photographer. Makes me miss my Shawnee Cam. I wish Uncle Milty would hurry up and send the replacement he prawmissed me. I is still waiting by the mailbox for it.

  13. Hi you guys!

    Cool pictures of the city...
    I had an AWESOME time meeting you too on Sunday.
    Miss M. you are verrry preeeeetty ♥
    Loved your bandanna ;o)

    Do you think your humans will be able to drive you to the Spooky Bash in October?

    Neeko ♥ (this is for Miss M.) ♥ (this is for Mr. B. from my Sis)

  14. That was an awfully fun postie! Mr. B is turning into quite the arrr-teest!

    Oh, and tell Miss M not to worry. I walks that way sometimes, too! One can't be too careful.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  15. Oh those pho-toes are GREAT!! hee hees!! Mommy wants to get us those collar cams too!! Love the pho-toe of Mr. B takin' of his Momma!! Too cute!!
    Miss M!! Yous like my sister IzZY!! When she goes to Grandpaws boat in Belmont, it has 'dat pier and she gets scared and crouches 'da same way you did!!
    You two are a riot!!


  16. OH MY GOSH,Mr B. has his own camera????? 'scuze me but I has to go has a word withs my mum....
    My pawrents loooove Chicago, they used to go everyyear.


  17. Mr. B is getting to be quite a shutterbug! I have always wondered what it would be like to walk the dogs in downtown Chicago. Bunny and Blueberry can go anywhere without being too freaked out, but I think that would give Morgan heart failure!

  18. Those dogs of yours, are really getting the hang of photography!
    Great pics!


  19. What terrific pictures!
    Poor Ms. M, Sherman has the same fear of bridges, but only if they are wooden.

  20. Mr. B is a great photographer. Love the pictures. Poor Ms. M.

  21. that cruise looked like so much fun! i saw the pictures over on mr. pip's blog. booker and asa would love to do that.
    mr. b is getting pretty good with the photography! he's going to have enough great pictures soon to create a photo book!
    why was miss m scared of the bridge? poor girl. was it kind of wobbly or something?

  22. Great trek! Laughin at Miss M on the bridge :) I like sturdy ground under my feet too :)

    Mom said your photos of downtown brought back memories of when she spent a month in your great city for some training course. Said she loved the jazz clubs, art galleries, architecture and especially seeing all the water turn bright green for St. Patties Day. She still wonders what they used to turn all that water that beautiful hue of green.

    Waggin at ya,
