Thursday, November 11, 2010

Schwang Manor: Creating a Dog "Bedroom"

Dogs are natural den animals and they love being in their own private, enclosed spaces. We know crates are really good for dogs, but when you're living in a 2-bedroom condo with 2 big dogs space is at a premium; it's hard having crates without them taking over our living space. Plus, we have an open floor plan which was perfect for E's b-boy battles, but leaves everything else exposed:
In my last apartment I had no choice but to keep her crate in the middle of my living room. Here, I thought we could create some furniture partitions to keep a comfortable living area while having a separate space for the pooches. We pulled the couch up a bit and got an Ikea console to set up behind it
Then we had some space behind the couch to keep the dog crates and their toy box. We eventually traded out Mr. B's crate for a tepee which looks cooler than the metal crate and he likes just as well.
So when we walk in we can see this:
With much of the dog area hidden:
We still have Miss M's wire crate which is tucked to the side. What types of arrangements does everyone else use for their dog areas?


  1. Ollie's crate is tucked back in our office so nobody sees it unless they go back there. But, he really only eats dinner in there now since he has mostly earned his freedom.

  2. Both the dogs' crates are in our bedroom but they take up SOOO much room. I've been trying to find some nice looking crates than can also double as side tables. I'm particularly in love with the crates on this site: But I'm too much of a cheapskate to cough up that much money. So I continue to look.

  3. I have yet to find a good looking arangement for a dog crate. It's usually stuck in the corner of one room or another, but still very obviously there.

  4. None of my dogs are into using crates. We still have one for Sophie which is tucked away in the bedroom.She uses it occasionally,but prefers to snuggle up in bed. Koda likes to have either his bed or at least a blanket on the floor. He doesn't like sleeping on the bed. Indy likes to sleep on the bathroom floor since it is cool.

  5. I want one of those teepees so bad. Mom won't buy me one cause she says I'll tear it up. The nerve!

  6. We want one of these crates to put in a cutout we have next to the dining area, then we can use it as a buffet so our table doesn't have to be so cramped. We have a great dane and her kennel is way too big!

  7. We have two floors (first floor and basement). I now stay on the first floor because I had bad fall down the stairs last year. My mom keeps the basement door closed so I don't try to follow her down the stairs. It's kind of a bummer because the office and playroom are in the basement!

    Your pal, Pip

  8. Our crates are in our second "dog" bedroom, but I still think they are ugly. I have plans to camouflage them with fabric stretched over wood "frames" on three sides and possibly a "table" on the top - breathable but still good looking.

  9. Quizz's crate is at the top of the stairs on the balcony/loft area,where he can see everything in his domain. Especially when the door bell rings. He can peer down through the spindles into the foyer and decide whether he is going to grace the visitor with his presence. His crate is his favorite napping place.

    And we have the crate on wheeled platform so we can move it where ever we need to for easy vacuuming.

  10. Oy, try finding space for two enormous bird cages and stands, a bird playground, and a dog crate! At one point we had two dog crates when we thought we were adopting Keegan. Since we moved back home in April, the birds have been in their smaller "camp" cages, which means the place looks a teeny bit nicer. Right now, Levi's crate is in the dining room, which is oh-so-classy.

    When we move, I plan on using Levi's crate for dog #2 and putting the birds in the office downstairs. That way, when people come over, we will look like normal human beings and not animal hoarders.

  11. That is the coolest pup tent ever!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

    Hey, today while going down my blog reading list, I came across this and thought of you guys. check out
    she is promoting the 'stubby dog project' and also the 'pit bull positive show'

  12. Both of my dog crates are in my bathroom. Of course they are little and my bathroom is big.

    My sister's crates for her two Mastiffs are in the basement and they are hard to ignore since they are so massive.

  13. This is fantastic- I definately will be taking tips from you about apartment design with dogs! Your space is gorgous. We are about to foster another pit from ACC- (I'm open to the fact that we might fall in love with him and have to adopt.) I saw how well your two pits get along (especially in that adorable video about how Mrs. M is a bully...)and it made me kind of sad that our dog Winnie is alone all day with no playmate. What was it like adding a second dog? Did they instantly get along? Does it help that one is a male and one a female?

  14. Darwin used to use a crate when she was smaller, and we'd leave it at the end of the couch. Now that she's bigger and a crate that'd fit her would take up way too much space in our small condo, she's uncrated. We used to use a baby gate to keep her "crated" in the kitchen while we were out, but now she has free reign of the house, though she usually will just stay on her bed all day (or the couch if we let her).
    Why does Mr B get a teepee and Miss M gets a crate? Why not teepees for both?

  15. I love Mr B's tepee!

    We keep Leroy's crate down in te basement, it is the XX large size so it is hard to hide, but that's alright, it looks nice next to the bar:)

  16. I love your set-up. It's aesthetically appealing as well as cozy. The dogs seem very at home in their space.

    Shiva's crate is typically just shoved into a corner. We try to make sure she can't see the front door as that seems to stress her out. But otherwise, it's just there in the living room, taking up space.

  17. Ugh, my dog crate for Charlee drives me crazy! I hate that I have to use it for Charlee. It's so tacky, but I have to it for the little man.

    I love their little dog house- it's so cute and such a neat idea. The picture collage on your wall with Mr. B and Miss M is adorable- it looks so good!

  18. For some reason both dogs love being under the bed. We don't have crates or teepees for them, so this is the safest tucked in spot for them. I'd love to get a teepee for Ellie some day, I think she'd like it.

    As for the living room, it's got dog beds in it and a couch that both dogs use. i like to cuddle with sienna so i WANT her up on the couch. I know, I'm atypical.

  19. Our crate just sits in the front corner of the living room. I found a cover that I'd like to get for it at some point, but haven't yet. The toys and other stuff are kept behind our couch, much like your stuff is!

  20. Hmmph. You guys have it easy. A two bedroom for just two dogs?

    Try a studio with two dogs, a cat, and a rabbit.

    I have 4 large crates scattered around that double as shelves/tables. (I also sometimes have dogs stay with me, so need the extra crates.)

    The rabbit has a 3 floor hutch that doubles as a shelf to keep rabbit hay from the dogs (who eat it for whatever reason).

    And there are at least 4 dog beds laying around (I lost count a while ago).

    Now with the cat I have a scratching post-thing on it's way, as well as a huge dog-proof litter box that I need to fit in somewhere.

    Not to mention a bike.

    And somehow I have like a 5x5 foot area of free space in the middle!!!

    Though I will say I'm decorationally challenged and your space looks warm, inviting, and awesome.

  21. Wow, your place looks great. I have Ace's dog bed in my living room as though it's a piece of furniture. His kennel is tucked away in the laundry room. Two kennels, actually.

  22. we have a pop up travel crate in our living room so if people are over its easy to put away. Big Carl's little crate stays in the bedroom


  23. Cooltent kids. Your Paw is going nutty again on his head! BOL
    Benny & Lily

  24. That tepee is so cool! Our lounge room is tiny but I didn't think of a tepee.

  25. asa's crate is in our bedroom, but she has free reign of the living room/kitchen when we are not home. she uses her crate when she's upset by lightning or if she wants some alone time away from booker. booker doesn't have a crate. he has a bed set up in our laundry room for when we are not home.
    i've said it before, and i'll say it again -- i love mr. b's teepee!

    the booker man and asa's mama

  26. Ha, I think my dogs would eat the Tepee but who knows, they may love it. Of course then they would start playing in it and crash the whole thing.

  27. That is a good alternative for big and spacious dog crates. It is a great idea to just make a bedroom for dogs if there is no space for big dog crates.
