Thursday, January 13, 2011

Schwang Manor: The Allure of Pillows

 To defeat the gray and murkiness of the Chicago winter, we like to load up our sofas with brightly colored pillows and pretend it's Spring in our house year round.
While we already have floor pillows scattered around as extra 'beds' for the pooches, we thought it would be cute to give them each a throw pillow for their dog beds:
Maybe this was a mistake. All of a sudden, our super-obedient Mr. B has become obsessed with pillows. So much to the point that he will sneak onto the couch to rest his luggy head on the throw pillows when we're gone. He knows it's wrong, and we can always tell when he does something wrong because he gives this guilty-appeasement look while pretending he was in his tepee the whole time:
But then again, maybe we should just add some throw pillows to his tepee. Maybe it won't completely deter him from his antics, but might be a fun winter project, and his crate could use some brightening. I think dogs just like being able to have something to rest their heads on. Do other dogs like using pillows like this? And does anyone actually have pillows in addition to dog beds?


  1. Our dogs love pillows. We allow them on the couch and when they sleep on the couch they always rest their heads on a throw pillow. When pillows aren't available, they use a human lap, human leg or some part of a dog body to rest their head. I always wonder where they learned this - do they see us and mimic? Not likely but it makes me curious. Maybe it just feels good!

  2. Since Flash has destroyed a couple of pillows, they don't have any. But, they each have blankies that they like to ball up and use as pillows. Sill Mr. B!

  3. Sharona (my pit bull)loves pillows. She's allowed on the couch and bed and she is always stealing the pillows and blankies to make her "nest" with. She's much too delicate to sleep on just a big soft mattress.

  4. Shiva doesn't have a pillow of her own, though that is a fantastic idea. She likes to use ours on occasion and often I will find her with her head on a smushed up bit of blanket. She sometimes even uses one leg to rest her head on while she sleeps.

    You apartment always looks so well put together.

  5. I sure do love pillows!!! But I don't have any of my own... I have to steal mom and dads!

  6. Laci LOVES a pillow to sleep on. At night my pillow would fall to the floor (I still think she may have drug it off the bed, I'm a sound sleeper) and her head is on top of it the next morning, mouth slightly ajar, sleeping on her side (its cute). Well, I eventually got her her own pillow and mine stopped making its way to the floor...coincidence?

  7. Hehehe Sneaky Mr B! Darwin loves pillows. We let her on the couch all the time now and if her head isnt in a lap then it's on a pillow. She just got a personalized pillow for Christmas that's on her bed. I did let her sleep on the bed the other weekend cause Jason was away and where was her head... on Jason's pillow. hehehe so cute!

  8. how interesting. i wonder if you've confused mr b into thinking that because there is a pillow on his bed (pillows = ok to lay on) then that means that anything with a pillow is ok to lay on? isn't it funny how clever they are? i have read that dogs don't generalize very well (which is why you can teach them that it's ok to get on THIS chair but not THAT couch, but it sometimes takes work to teach them that you can't pee on THIS rug, but you can't pee on THAT carpet, either. i wonder how he was able to leap to this pillow conclusion so easily!

    by the way, this will not surprise you one bit, but our two wonderdogs have the exact same dog beds as mr. b has in his teepee.

  9. My dogs' favorite pillow = me. That is, when there's not an extra throw pillow from the couch that somehow made it to the floor. I've caught both of my 60lb dogs curled up as small as they can get on a 12X12 throw pillow.

  10. Our pit Inez loves pillows as well. Her first day in our house she mistook a throw pillow for a toy and attempted to disembowel it. But we simply gave her a stern "No" and now she makes the differentiation.

  11. Mr. B. knows where it's at! Comfort is key. I think some nice colorful pillows for his tepee would be just right.

  12. Your home looks so cozy!

    We just have a couple dog beds... we actually need some more. They need to be big enough for both of them to fit comfortably or we have all kinds of "King of the Castle" episodes... even if there are 2 cushions in the same room.


  13. I love your pillows. They really do add a cheerful brightness to your place. Bogart does have a dog bed, but he doesn't use it very much. He's usually on the bed (human variety). :)

  14. A friend of ours who adored our first Greyhound sent her this fabulous bright pink princess bed! Not only did it have a soft pink heart shaped pillow for her head, it had a matching blanket with ribbon on it that actually said "Princess." She was very fond a travel pillow that we kept on the bed, too. It's not uncommon at all for me to wake up and find Bunny's head on the pillow beside mine, either. I say give the boy some pillows for his teepee!

  15. We just love pillows. We are always on the sofa pillows too when mom is not home
    Benny & Lily

  16. We just love pillows. We are always on the sofa pillows too when mom is not home
    Benny & Lily

  17. Charlie TOTALLY knows what pillows are for and always tries to seek one out and rest his little poodle head on it. I've seen Emma do it too, but not as reliably as him. I let the pups up on the bed/couch, so every pillow is fair game here.

    Give the boy some extra pillows!

  18. Oh, Rat LOVES pillows. In fact, we occasionally call him Miss Muffet due to his tendancy sit perfectly atop any pillow he can find... (Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet... you know how it goes!) There's no sprawling or lazing for him either. He always sits erect and proper, or curled in a tight little ball on his pillows! (We keep quite a few on the floor, just for him!)

  19. That guilty look is irresistible! No wonder he has a tepee and pillows!! Our kiddos get free reign of the couch. And yes, they LOVE to lay at the very top of a pile of throw pillows. Arwen will look like the Princess and the Pea if we have enough of them on the couch. And yes, they both like to have their heads supported, too.

  20. parker loves pillows too.he has his own on the bed, but often he will take it upon himself to arrange the pillows to his liking or burrow in a place that is filled with many that he can either find or collect in one location...hope all is well and i'll be in chicago in the spring.

  21. Stella is known to buddy up to any pillow she can find. I don't have one in her bed but she helps herself to those on the couch. Yours are very chic btw. Occasionally I let her sit on the foot of my bed during the day but if I stop paying attention she situates herself just like a person would, head on the pillow and body stretched out for a snooze.

  22. I want to get more pillows, but Mesa eats them when we leave...


  23. She's allowed on the couch and bed and she is always stealing the pillows ...

  24. While we already have floor pillows scattered around as extra 'beds' for the ...
