Thursday, April 21, 2011

DoggyStyle: Special Occassion Collars

Since we've figured out ways to switch out the pooches collars quickly, we kind of couldn't resist ordering some "special occasion" collars.Though we never thought we'd be the 'dress up your dog type', we do find we get to talk to so many more people, who wouldn't normally come up to the dogs, when they're wearing interesting accessories.
They make so few accessories for male dogs, we just had to pick up this bowtie collar from SillyBuddy when we saw it. Mr. B did make a smashing leprechaun when he wore it around Chicago for St. Patrick's day:
Not to be outdone, we have bought Miss M some special occasion corsage collars from Pecan Pie Puppies. This purple tartan with matching dahlia.
And mugging for the camera:
 And a spring-time blue pattern with white flower:
 And looking coy:
The bow ties and flowers are removable, so the collar can be worn as is. Funny enough, when she sees us with these collars out Miss M actually runs up and tries to wear several at a time, just like a little girl with charm bracelets.


  1. that is so cute!!! :) the bow tie is my favorite

  2. Ridiculously adorable!!!!
    Bilbo's Silly Buddy raffle collar shipped a couple of days ago so I'll be putting up photos of the final choice as soon as it gets here.

  3. Love the collars! I'm with Jet, I love the bow tie the most! Mr B is just too handsome!

  4. So cute! They make great doggie models!

  5. aww! i just wrote an email to my girlfriends the other day saying that my next dog will have to be female - i want one of those collars with the flowers on it in the worst way! ms m looks like such a fancy lady wearing her collars! FUN! the bow tie is a must for the boys. LOVE IT!

  6. too cute! I really like Miss M. collars may need to buy Sophie some :-)

  7. Im trying to convince the hubs we need special occasion collars, he does not agree!


  8. You guys make awesome models! You sold me on the cool bow tie
    Benny & Lily

  9. So cute!
    I like the bow tie one! If we put one on Darwin though people would more so think she's a he!

  10. Me loves 'da bow tie one!!!

    Anakin Man

  11. Oh wow. They do look so very stylish in their collars and accessories. The blue pattern with white flower is our favorite. I wish they made an orchid..that is what we want.

    Kitty and Coco

  12. I love that idea! Sometimes people are afraid of Kayloo- a little flower would totally help and Mickey would look like a rockstar in a bowtie :)

  13. Oh, gosh! You BOTH are so very much fashionable! I think I'm gonna have to get my mom to order me one of those flower collars!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  14. When I first saw those Pecan Puppy collars a year or so ago during a giveaway, I was so envious because they only make buckle collars! Miss M looks absolutely adorable in hers. I think she'd look quite in place on a veranda somewhere in the South sipping a Mint Julep. Mr. B is so handsome, I don't know if there's any collar that can improve his looks!

  15. Those collars are so awesome, makes me want to get special occasion collars for my kids.

  16. What awesome collars for Mr. B and Miss M!!

  17. Looking fine for the holiday weekend :)

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  18. Stylin and smilin you are :)

    Too funny about Miss M getting all excited over new do-dads :D

    Waggin at ya,

  19. So adorable! Thanks so much for the post Amy - they look amazing :) I long for girly stuff and those collars with the flowers are so beautiful!
