Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Limits of Educating

 We really enjoy being part of this online dog community where people are educated, supportive and really work to create positive experiences with our dogs. I love how we can all recognize the importance of 'Spring Training', understand how all dogs can be a work-in-progress, and work to interact positively with other dogs and people in our communities. But lately I've realized how this group is probably the exception rather than the norm. And this support and understanding doesn't always translate to our physical real worlds. Now I'm wondering the extent of how we can use this positive education in our real lives, and how well it will be accepted.
I realized this after coming home from our really positive experience with our dog walking club.We have written before about our ongoing problems with a neighbor who lets their large 'family-friendly' dog run down our street off-leash; they literally play fetch in front of our building. The dog is at least 10 feet ahead of them at all times, and will not respond when called. Despite asking several times to not approach our dog, they will disregard our request and freely let their dog barrel towards the pooches. I actually had two altercations with them this week, once when I was walking in the street to avoid them and their dog actually came out into the street to follow us. The second time we were going into our building when the dog came bounding up to us. This time she told me "It's not my fault your dogs aren't socialized".

Despite my anger, I thought maybe I could use this as an opportunity to explain to her why it was a problem. How dogs on leash can feel threatened and can react when an off-leash dog rushes and invades their space and it can set them up for failure.
How our dogs are in training and I don't want them to meet other dogs and get excited and expect that walks are for playing.
How I know if a dog leaps at our dogs they will probably leap back. And with a combined strength of 150 pounds, plus a tangle of leashes, this could become a dangerous situation for me as well.
How we have other ways of socializing our dogs which are positive, controlled, and set them up for success.
How it's not fair to people who are afraid of dogs, or have fearful or anxious dogs and choose not to interact with other dogs.
Instead, as I tried to explain why I needed her to restrain her dog, she just kept walking and refused to listen.
This is especially frustrating because we work very hard to contribute positively to our community, but I don't know how to continue with someone who is not willing to be rational and understand the situation. We have been working with the police, but they have to actually witness the incident to issue a citation. What does everyone else recommend?


  1. Take photos of the dog running free? That's pretty odd, to let your dog run around off-leash in the street. What is she thinking??

  2. That is something I think about often, the whole "preaching to the converted" thing. We live in a really smart, progressive college town that sits in a really rural county. I volunteer at the county's low-cost vaccination clinic, and let me tell you... I have yet to figure out how to educate people who don't consider dogs to be members of their family. They think I'M crazy. Sigh. Anyway, is there a time that those people tend to let their dog run loose? You could, coincidentally, invite the cops over for coffee in that time window or something... Getting them to catch the act is tough. We have a dog who roams our neighborhood, and he's gone by the time AC or the police arrive every single time. Good luck!

  3. You guys are in a tough situation. I have had a few problems with my neighbors as well. They have a dog that is newly rescued, and is very dog-aggressive. They want to use my dog as good influence to help her socialize, but I told them I'm uncomfortable being their guinea pig. Their dog is three times the size of mine, and she lunges with the intent to cause harm. Yikes!

    Perhaps you guys could prepare a letter to your neighbor with all your thoughts clearly explained. That way she doesn't feel like it's a face-to-face confrontation, and she's more likely to read through the whole thing instead of walking away.

  4. Yours sounds like one of the more hostile situations I've heard about. When we lived in Austin, there were lots of dogs off leash, but people were generally very respectful and would snap their leashes back on if they saw us coming, or at the latest point, if we called their attention to it being a problem for us. I'm pretty surprised at this person's reaction to you and how she refuses to see your perspective. I am super non-confrontational and always try my best to approach every situation with the other person's perspective in mind, but it's so hard in this case. Eesh!

  5. It's great that you were able to restrain yourself from becoming angry and yelling at her - I probably wouldn't have been able to! I probably would have said something along the lines of "It's not my fault that you're a complete moron either, but unfortunately, I can't do anything about it. Therefore, please keep your dog (and yourself) away from mine!"

  6. I totally understand your frustration, and how difficult it can be when you live in the city and your (very close) neighbors choose not to control their dogs. We live in Boston, and our neighbors have two small terriers that run off leash and bark aggressively at us and our dogs. We spoke to the neighbors about this, and were told that their dogs were just "scared" of our dogs (which is actually how their owners feel, I think). We worked with a very sympathetic dog officer who has visited their house to talk to them about the problem. Now, the neighbors sill let their dogs out, but when they see us they put them back onto their porch.

  7. How frustrating. You're probably more gracious under pressure than I would be. Perhaps taking video of the dog might help with getting the police to take action.
    My blood is boiling over the "it's not my fault if your dogs aren't socialized" comment. So ignorant.

  8. Oh wow, I have had this same exact experience too many times! Rufus is very leash reactive, and it can be really overwhelming to keep my calm when just passing other dogs. We have been working on this for months, and while he has definitely gotten better, he's not 100%.

    We live in the 'burbs right across the street from a prairie path, and I can't tell you how many times we have run into dogs that are off-leash. While I have basically just explained "can you please hold your dog while we pass?" I know that Rufus is all noise and once he can greet a dog, he's just fine. However, I know he will also growl...which can/has triggered the other dog to lash out. I'm not blaming the dog for defending itself against Rufus and his tough guy attitude, I'm blaming the person who doesn't get that not every single dog wants to be best friends with their dog.

    One day I was walking Rufus on the sidewalk next to the prairie path when an off-leash golden retriever started to run quite far ahead from his owners. A woman coming the other way with her boxer screamed to grab their dog, because her dog wasn't dog-friendly. The golden's owners explained that their dog was very dog-friendly, so she wouldn't worry. The boxer lady just laughed, and answered "It doesn't matter if your dog is dog-friendly. My dog feels threatened and he will lash out. I'm afraid you're going to learn that the hard way someday."

    All of this explanation to say that maybe it takes a little fear instilling to teach people to control their dogs? Something like, "I'm sure you're dog is a wonderful dog, but they might run up to one that's not so understanding...and then what will happen?"

    Ugh...this subject frustrates me, and thanks for writing about it.

  9. Frustrating for sure. I'm amazed at people everyday. Unless you have absolute control of your dog then unleash should be an option.

  10. It's a really hard situation to deal with. I often walk Corbin and our foster dog every morning by myself. We have a pretty quiet neighborhood, but there are two dogs that almost always seem to be roaming about and will approach us. Both happen to be males, and I need to take extra precautions when introducing Corbin to male dogs, so this has caused some issues. I always carry SprayShield on me... it's a deturrent spray made up of 99% water and 1% cirtus. When the loose dog gets to close, I spray him in the nose. He's learned not to approach us during our walks. It's completely non harmful. I did have the owner screaming in my face one day for using it on his dog... I told him I have to protect the safety of my dogs and it's non harmful to his dog. And if he didn't want me protecting my dogs, he should keep his on a leash. People are just stupid.
    -Corbin's mom, Jenn

  11. Sounds like this would be the perfect incident for Mr. B's camera to capture. From his vantage point, there would be no doubt how threatening the unwanted approach appears to both the dogs and their responsible handlers, "friendly" dog or not.

  12. The other thing I would probably do is leave a copy of this blog post and attach a report of your site analytics to bring home the point that you have a national following, whereas she does not!

  13. I hate this sort of situation - off leash dogs like that are probably my biggest fear when we're out on walks. I know you said you're already working with police and they said they need to catch the people in the act to do anything about it, but I might have to start being annoying about it. I would call the police every single time I saw their dog off the leash. Start documenting it everytime you see and take photos.

    I think you can also request police to patrol the neighborhood (I know my HOA does this for speeders) so maybe they would get caught that way. If you call enough, you might be able to make a "friend" in the police department who might be willing to drop by this person's house and give them a warning to knock it off. There are leash laws for a reason and I hate they are so hard to get enforced.

  14. It IS a shame that when you're making every effort in the world to be responsible, and to set your dogs up for success, there are people right there in your own backyard undermining your efforts with their unapologetic and hostile irresponsibility.

    My hackles immediately went up at the "it's not my fault your dogs aren't socialized" comment. HOWEVER, as much as I know it will probably be very difficult to go and make nice after you were so rudely rebuffed in the past, since this situation has the potential to really blow up far past what it currently is, I think I might make an effort to speak to them at some point when the dogs aren't with you.

    If you know where they live, you might consider just stopping by one day with a neighborly offering of cookies or muffins for the humans and some treats for the dogs, as well as some of your beautiful photos of Miss M. and Mr. B. looking their most adorable and approachable - such as Miss M. at the parade in her butterfly wings surrounded by adoring crowds. :)

    This will hopefully let them see a different side of your dogs than perhaps they've previously seen, and you can explain a bit about them, where they came from, the things you've worked on with them, and are still working on, and maybe even.... gasp ... invite them to join one of your pack walks. You can also explain to them that when your dogs, or ANY dogs, are leashed, and they are approached by an unleashed dog, it automatically can create some tension in the leashed dog(s), no matter how well socialized they might otherwise be. (Which is what you were trying to do before when you met on the street, but it's harder to completely discount someone who's brought you cookies (even harder if they're home made and still warm from the oven, LOL!) and even brought some for your (unruly) dog!)

    State your concern for all involved, including their dog who could have been hit by a car and injured/killed when he followed you into the street. As much as I know Flexis are often misused, you might suggest one of those (and the safe use of it) to them so that they can still feel that their dog has some freedom (when the situation calls for it) but be able to reel him in when necessary, for his own safety and that of every other dog and person on the street.

    I realize it's a long shot (these people sound like morons, and incredibly rude morons at that), but the possibility still exists that they are simply uneducated or misinformed. Perhaps if they were approached in a fashion that they can hardly reasonably object to (You brought me chocolate chip cookies and treats for my dog?!!!! YOU HORRIBLE PERSON YOU!!!! I am not listening to ANYTHING you say!") you can win them over. And if not, you can at least cite this very civil and neighborly attempt to defuse the situation when you have to call and report them to animal control yet again.

  15. buy a squirt bottle and fill it with water+lemon juice (some people suggest vinegar). Use it on the approaching dogs.

    start taking pics/videos of the offleash dogs, particularly as they "attack" yours.

    Talk to your ACO about filing a report/complaint

    YOU are not at fault here. YOU have the right to protect yourself and your dogs.

  16. MayzieMom here. GAH! People are SO stupid sometimes. How about, in addition to your list, their dog could run in front of a car and get killed? Or even harm someone else who is swerving to miss the dog? All it takes is once for something to go tragically wrong.

    You say you've talked to the police but can't Animal Control do something about it? Here, you just have to file a complaint and they'll send someone out. Might be different in Chicago, though, since it's such a big city.

    I like Kerri's idea of writing a letter. Perhaps even cc Animal Control on it so you have something on file. Someone this oblivious could easily turn the tables on you if one of your dogs were to jump at her "perfectly socialized" dog and your dogs probably wouldn't get the benefit of the doubt in that situation.

    Good luck!

  17. Turk was attacked on a walk once by a "family friendly" chocolate lab that was off-leash. As I tried to pry Turk away from this dog's attacks and repeatedly asked for the owner to get her dog, the owner taunted me by saying "MY dog is friendly! YOUR dog is the problem!" followed by a string of curse words and mean comments about pit bulls. I was so angry and fearful because I couldn't figure out how to get Turk away safely without hurting myself and I just couldn't understand why this woman was being so mean! After I was able to get safely away, I thought about how as a pittie owner, I am so much more vigilant and educated about dog behavior. I know that my dog's breed has a bad reputation, so I am going to do everything in my power to make sure Turk is a good representative of the breed. I think a lot of times, owners of "family friendly" breeds just think that their dog doesn't need the training because they are "family friendly" and therefore aren't privvy to the same bad behaviors as so called "dangerous dogs." What they don't realize is that ALL dogs need training and proper socialization in order to be good citizens.

  18. Amazing. I made an innocent mistake, closed but didn't lock the gate and it blew open and the kids got out. We had a complaint filed against us and ended up having to go to court. This happened one time in 12 years. Their behavior seems to be repetitive.

    I look at all you do with your dogs and how wonderful they seem to do out in public because you take the time to work with them.

    I second Mayzie's mom I can't believe they don't seem to worry about them getting hit by cars. I would never let my dogs run loose! To heck with all the other people I don't want anything happening to my babies!!!

    Hope you can come to a peaceable solution with your neighbor!

    Mr. Nubbin's Mom

  19. I was trying to think about it from their point of view, and I agree that if I had a different breed of dog, I probably wouldn't have done the amount of training and research that I have. I think the most frustrating part is their sense of entitlement that they are above the law. And the fact that she rebuffed my explanation about why I needed her to have her dog under control (though maybe it is a positive step for pitbulls that people are still not afraid of a small girl holding 2 large dogs and asking them to step back?) I actually wasn't very composed after her comment and failure to listen--I did tell her she was selfish, ignorant, and does nothing to contribute to our community. Their entire building has this sense of off-leash entitlement (which they do in front of our building instead of their own) but I feel it's also important for them to know why it's an issue. We were thinking of drafting some kind of petition including the off-leash law with information about why this is dangerous for our community. We know several other neighbors that have had issues with them too.

  20. A certified letter asking them to stop and adhere to the leash laws, including a copy of the regulations. CC local precinct and their building manager. May be a wake up call for them.

    This is my pet peeve! Drives me bonkers when people let their dog approach when Sophie is on leash. Even when I say she is not friendly on leash. I had to walk into the street one time to avoid an off leash dog that kept approaching even as the owner called to the dog to return. The owner then blamed me for putting their dog in danger since if I had just stayed on the side walk and let his dog play with mine it would be fine. I went off on him that my dog doesn't play on leash. To avoid an ugly interaction, I had walked around them. It was not my fault he lacked all recall ability for his own dog :-P

  21. Ugh... I think every responsible dog owner here feels your pain! I live in a beautiful dog friendly building with an enclosed courtyard. Everyone else feels that it is okay to let their dogs run free outside. I hate it, it is not a dog park. There are children and non-dog owning residents who deserve to have their courtyard too. When I take my 85lb pit out on a leash and these crazy dogs bound up to her it can be a recipe for disaster. Once I even had to put myself between my dog and another large dog just to keep him from mounting her. Luckily I was able to control my own dog's behavior and this didn't turn into something very ugly for myself or the dogs. Unfortunately everyone assumes because my dog is on a leash, (and probably more because she is a pit), she is not socialized or well behaved. But this is of course not true. In fact, some of my non-dog owning neighbors love her and appreciate how calm she is. What made me feel the best was when one of my neighbors told me his young daughter was afraid of all the "little" dogs in the building, but loved my "big" Bella. It just affirmed for me that I am doing the right thing.

    The thing that drives me crazy is how these dog owners don't see how keeping your dog leashed is not only safe for others but it is safe for your dog!

    I read one reader's comment about the spray bottle with water and lemon juice. I don't know if that would work on close contact but in my parent's neighborhood there is a German Shepard on a shock collar who charges us when we walk by. I am afraid one day either the collar will fail or that dog just won't care anymore. I may start carrying a spray bottle around there, if nothing I can hit the dog with it.

    I'm sorry I didn't share any advise, I don't really have any. Just know, you're not alone. All we can do is be the best dog/breed ambassadors that we can and you certainly are doing your part!

  22. If you can document the incidents (via camera, video, etc.), this is key. If, as you mention, the other neighbors are indeed having issues with them as well, it can't hurt to have them document their experiences as well (ie in a letter).

    I would send the documentation both to Animal Control to have something on record, and, if you're a renter to your landlord. There are typically provisions in leases that say the dog must be on leash at all times in the complex/on the property.

    If you encounter them outside of the property (on the street), I would contact either the police or a community resource (ie in NYC, there's 311) who will be able to issue a citation, especially if you have video documentation of the violation.

    Obviously, if this could be resolved with no confrontation, that would always be ideal - who wants to have issues with their neighbors? But at the same time, if the tables were turned and it were your dogs running off leash - that is to say, pit bull mixes running off leash - you better believe there'd be people lining up to file complaints.

    Finally, if you indeed can't stop the neighbor from keeping their dog away, citronella spray may be a viable option to simply keep the dog at bay should you get into a situation where you/your dogs are unable to get away.

    In any event, I'm so sorry that you're running into someone (so close to your home!) with so much blatant disregard for both their dog, their neighbors, and frankly, themselves.

  23. I know the feeling (even though I live in the 'burbs. I have a neighbor who lives along a 4 lane road where people drive 40 mph. They took down their fence. And let their 8 year old boxer into the yard. I walked past with my pit mix and fox hound mix. The kids caught the boxer's collar the first time I walked past. On the return trip home, they missed his collar and he came charging at me not responding to his name and the commands. I ran into the street directly (as luck would have it) in front of a police car. NOt only did the officer not stop to see why I stepped in front of his car, he didn't even slow down when the boxer started attacking my dogs in the middle of the street. *sigh* I'm in the same boat as you with being anxious every time I go to walk the dogs.
    My suggestion would also be to e-mail Donna at BadRap.org Perhaps she and Tim have some ideas/advice they could share. I realize the law in Chicago, IL are different from the laws in Oakland, CA, but it's an idea.
    Annie & Paulie's Mom

  24. Talk about frustrating! Regardless of the details of the situation, that is a case of one human being showing complete disregard for the thoughts and feelings of another. Add in that it's a dog thing, and I'm just glad I wasn't there myself. I agree that getting a video of the dog running loose may be beneficial, and maybe invite that neighbor to join your group walks. They need to learn that there are other/better ways to exercise a dog in the city. Good luck!

  25. Wow. I have several observations after reading this post and all the comments. I'm struck by how common an experience this is! I know when this has happened to me in the past, I've felt very wronged, very upset and angry, and very alone. It's amazing to me how many of us responsible dog owners have been in this unfortunate situation. Another observation is that I wish Tucker the Crestie was my neighbor! What a charitable, neighborly, and forgiving response. I like Kerri's suggestion of writing a letter. It's much easier to be pleasant and explain your point in a considerate way when you're not being provoked. And I think they're more likely to actually read it. Of course, you have to brace yourself for the possibility that this person is completely hopeless and incorrigible. But if you take some of the steps suggested in these comments, at least you'll know within yourself that you've done everything possible to attempt to bridge this gap and educate this person.

    I'll not soon forget the day I had Lady and Lucky at a creek while out hiking, and a flighty woman allowed her two gigantic Great Danes to bound up to us, unleashed. I've had a similar experience with Lady as Vanessa has had with her Rufus. We've made so much progress with dampening her reactivity to other dogs (all noise), but a situation like that overwhelms all the skills she's learned. I am rarely surprised or upset any more by the "oh, don't worry, my dog is friendly!" excuse from owners who let their dogs run off leash - I've heard it so many times. So, that in and of itself didn't set me off. What got me was the woman's reaction when I asked her to please leash her dogs. She responded in an extremely condescending tone - "Oh-my-god! Just relax! Oh the energy you're communicating to your dogs! They're just reading you." Against all odds, I did not drop my dogs' leashes and walk over there and slap her head off. My gosh, if she ONLY KNEW how much work I had done with them. UGH!!!!! And of course, when I tried to explain the situation (voice probably trembling with suppressed frustration), she wouldn't listen. Just dismissed me and soundly assured me that my behavior was the problem.

  26. Ugh. Frustrating.
    I like what Corbin's mom suggested of carrying a spray of some type (makes me think I should have some).
    I dont have any other suggestions, though while I do think a letter could be a good way of communicating with her, it could be hard for your tone to come across that of genuine concern and responsibility versus reprimanding/bossy. You write very well and calmly, but you don't know how she may read it.

  27. Its sad that your neighbors think so little of their dog to endanger it's life like that by letting it run around off leash. Its aggravating, hateful...beyond words that they endanger your family's life by not controlling their "family friendly dog".

    Responsible owners take the time and money to train themselves on how to control their pack (I really don't call it dog training...its more like owner training). They are not responsible and when something happens because of their lack of responsibility, what will they do then?

    I think the petition with the stated leash law is a good idea...probably better than how I handled it when it happened to me and my two fur kids. A female ran up to us and snapped at Apollo, so both my dogs decided "it was on" (50lbs leashed to my left arm and 60lbs on my right). I managed to drag them out before anything happened, but I told the guy, in my low voice, he had better get control of that dog before I had too...he left. It just makes me so angry; no one is going to hurt my babies.

    Good luck with what ever you decide on as your next step in handling your neighbor and just stay safe. :-)

  28. There is nothing worse than this problem. We have two neighbors, same situation. We agree with you, we feel threatened when on leash. People don't get it. Mom says bad words and now carries a stun gun/pen. Irresponsible dog owners
    Benny & Lily

  29. I would recommend contacting your alderman. They are there to help mediate problems exactly like this, and can help navigate the bureaucratic system when it gets frustrating. They will also have direct access to the 311 computer system, and can contact Animal Care and Control, who can send an officer out to take your complaint. If you have 2 other neighbors who are also willing to sign complaints, the owners of the dog can be brought in for an administrative hearing.

  30. I had a woman say the same thing to me recently! Unfortunately, explaining the same things you mentioned seemed to have no effect. Perhaps you could get her email address and send her this blog post along with the comments. =)

  31. Thanks for this. Our rescue pit definitely has more issues than many dogs, and as strange as it sounds, it's totally encouraging to hear that idiots exist everywhere. Sometimes, I just need a reminder that it's not our dog that's the real problem.

  32. Well you tried the intelligent approach. How bout the annoying approach? Every once in a while on our neighborhood walks there will be dogs off leash. One german shepherd actually attacked me. Fortunately Mom was able to battle her back and holler firmly and loudly for the neighbor to come and get their dog! No one was hurt fortunately but it didn't do a lick of good as far as furthering my training of being less dog-dog reactive.

    Anywho, Mom had her air horn but it was in her pouch and things happened too fast for her to get it. Now it's dangling from her pocket and came in handy just last week when another dog was off leash and wouldn't listen to its owner to go home. TOOT HONK HONK!!! Stopped him in his tracks :D He didn't move an inch closer and his owner came to get him. Yes the air horn is annoying to say the least BUTT it has saved us from a few potentially bad situations.

    Waggin at ya,

  33. I love your courage to post about this topic!

    I luckily have only had to deal with this one time and the guy was very nice about it and very appreciative about me managing my on leash pit bull to his off leash very small dog. I'm sure I will run across this plenty of other times, so I'm glad to have read everyone's suggestions.

    My only suggestion is to do whatever is necessary to protect your dogs, because no matter what happens, you will be blamed for anything bad that would happen because you have pit bulls. It's sad and unfair, but it's the truth. :(

  34. I have far to much to say about this topic as it is a constant struggle in my neighborhood. For some reason I can be cool and calm about discussing most issues but when it comes to dogs I get a liiiiitlle worked up and haven't found the proper way of talking to other people that I encounter it usually comes out as "LEASH YOUR DOG IT"S THE LAW!!" which just isn't very effective. Sigh...

  35. I think the letter is a good idea, and in it let them know that if their off leash dog causes any harm to you or your dogs that they will be responsible for all doctor or veterinary bills. cc animal control. Sometimes money is the only thing that makes people perk up and listen.

  36. Sounds incredibly frustrating and irritating. Have you spoken with any of your other neighbours about it? I highly doubt that you are the only ones that are angered by these people's behaviour and attitude - dog owners and non-dog owners alike. Other people are probably feeling the same way but are perhaps less pro-active about taking action, and letting them know you feel the same way might make them feel more comfortable about contacting the authorities as well, if needed. Strength in numbers, you know? Good luck!

  37. I would share my feelings about stupid people but as you said this group seems to be of the responsible sort so it wouldn't fall upon the ears that really need to hear it.

    We carry pepper spray with us. They come in very convenient sizes that will fit easily in a pocket or on a key chain. It has to be kept somewhere it can be quickly and easily grabbed if needed.


  38. Like many of your readers I've encountered this same problem numerous times. The most egregious perpetrator is now my foster dog though so be careful thinking of ways to solve the problem ha!. For years I called animal control and they did nothing. Finally (not wanting to see the dog put down because of an irresponsible owner) I changed my approach.

    This solution (below) isn't going to educate anyone but just for the short term, and since she did actually have words with you - take along some chicken next time and once you have her attention, start tossing it to her dog. It (definitely) won't stop the dog approaching you but it'll give her cause to wonder what you're up to at which point she may make an effort to control the dog. Admittedly, this sounds a little passive-aggressive so I might also mention that Christmas cookies work wonders too. That would involve cultivating a friendship though so it's your call.

    Personally, I think this sort of education often has to come either from friends or from somewhere else, some neutral place. I've been trying to get the landlord across the street from me to put in his new lease that no "chained dogs" will be allowed on the property (different sort of problem but still a threat) He didn't understand at first because he actually used to have a chained dog but since I was talking about someone else he was able to see it from a different perspective (i.e. he could listen without feeling threatened himself) so he agreed to do it. Anyway, didn't mean to run on but do let us know how it works out.

  39. People are so unbelievable. Seriously, next time they're playing fetch in front of your condo (actually, every time you see them outside), call the police - 911, not 311. One $500 fine (that's the going rate in Chicago for an off-leash dog) will certainly give them pause for thought. I wouldn't worry much about neighborly relations, either, since they don't much seem worried about them. I know a lot of people are uncomfortable with confrontation but this woman clearly has no intention of making any compromises, so I think it's time to take more aggressive action. So sorry!

  40. I commend your efforts so far! I get so frustrated! In my apartment complex I have two neighbors (one with two yorkies, and one with a boston terrier) and they NEVER put their dogs on leashes. Keena can't even go to the bathroom in piece because they come up and attack her! The boston has actually come up to her while she is peeing and tried to bite her jowels! I was so furious that I put Keena away and walked to my neighbors apartment and gave her a piece of my mind. Keena weighs 130 lbs and is solid muscle....if she wants to go somewhere (especially if she doesnt have her Halti on) I'm going with her! Not to mention she could so very easily hurt another dog and she can't even pee in peace! I went and told my landlords and told them about what times I saw my neighbors do this and they cought them that way. Maybe call the police when you see them while you are walking? That is a serious problem not just for you and your pooches but for the ignorant owners dog as well! Something could happen to that poor dog who's owners are poor excuses for responsible adults. Hang in there!

    Annie and Keena

  41. This woman doesn't need to have a dog if she's letting it run loose on a busy city street.

    This is going to sound awful, but I would report her to animal control for violating the leash law. Maybe if she gets a few citations for failing to keep her dog restrained, she'll wise up.
