Friday, December 9, 2011

The Donkey and the Rabbit

Ever since Miss M had her big 7th birthday party, she acts as if she can do whatever she pleases. Now that the weather has gotten colder, she is more reluctant to go on walks, even outright defiant, holding her ground after we have leashed her and gotten ready to go out the front door. She will brace herself and refuse to budge, like a donkey.
It is only through a lot of coaxing with praise, that she will choose to leave the house. Then on our walks, after she has done her business, she will turn to head back home.
However, Mr. B really enjoys going on walks and he will even rush ahead like a rabbit; he is always looking forward to our next adventure outside,
but on the other leash, we have Miss M, who will brace herself in the middle of the sidewalk and refuse to walk a step further. Again, we will have to sweet talk Miss M to join us for another block. 
Which is all she will give us. When we try to go even more, she will defiantly turn on one of the streets that would lead us home and she will pull towards that street with all her might and on the other leash, we will have Mr. B running like a jackrabbit toward the other street that leads to our usual walk. 
Poor Mr. B, Miss M's will to lounge in the warm home is too strong for the both of us and we usually succumb to her ways and before we know it, we are back inside, enjoying the comforts of home, away from the elements.


  1. a donkey! thats what im calling havi from now on! i know we all say it a lot...but poor mr b!

  2. LOL Miss M sounds alot like Sophie who refuses to go outside unless she is going potty and then rushes back in. Koda is like Mr B and loves to go play with snowballs fights and sleds (unless he is pulling)!

  3. yeah, Barbie is our donkey and Bender is the rabbit, though Barbie loves her walks so much more now.... I can't see her ever being keen to go outside when the ground is covered with that white stuff!

  4. Haha! Those pictures are SUPER awesome! I specially luvs the one of Mr. B smiling real big.

    Me and Brudder Ranger have different walkie styles, too. I'm more like Mr. B. Let's go, let's go, let's go! And Brudder Ranger gets done with his walks way before I do. Plus he likes to slooooowly sniff and tinkle on every little thing and I can't wait to see what's up ahead.

    Do you think you could just take Miss M around the block and then take Mr. B for a longer walkie?

    Wiggles & WAgs,

  5. It looks like she's pouting in those pictures - too funny!

  6. My roommates dog, Gracie Bean, is like Miss M. It's one loop around the yard and done. Meanwhile, my Fenway would stay out all day if I'd let him. That's why I take them out one at a time - so they both have big smiles rather than pouty faces!

  7. Way to hold your ground Miss M. We thinks maybe you should coordinate her booties with her jacket maybe that is why she was acting like a donkey. She was not color coded and felt that green booties did not go with that pretty sweater she had on. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

  8. Your dogs are adorable! We most definitely have two different walking styles around here as well.

    Not sure if either of the humans in your house are runners but, if so, we have found one thing that helps a lot - I am the runner in our family and a couple of times a week I will take our Rabbit for a ~ 4 mile run. He quickly learned that his "solo" times with me are his big, extended trips and, when he goes out with our Donkey for daily jaunts, it is a shorter walk and he is happy to oblige.

    Plus, I enjoy having a running partner and have a reason to get outside in the fresh air even on the coldest of days for a run. I found some great cold weather running gear so we go out year round(minus ice storms) about 2 days per week. It has been good for my soul and has definitely helped us manage the different walking styles.

  9. That picture of Mr. B with the big smile is the best! You cannot be sad when looking at it.

    Mine both like going out. Franklin likes to stop and pee on EVERYTHING and Lola pulls him along if he stops too often, but they're pretty walk-compatible (even if her legs are 3x as long as his).

  10. I don't blame Miss M for wanting to stay inside - the few times I've visited Chicago in the winter were absolutely brutal!

    Those photos of the two of them reveal their personalities so much - please tell me you printed a bigger photo of that smiling Mr. B for your place?!

  11. oh those photos are so fabulously expressive!

    I want to suggest that it's time for Ms M to see a vet.. she may have some physical issues that make it difficult for her to walk. Hip problems are common in pit bulls. I'm not a believer in "defiance" in dogs, as a general rule. When a dog changes her behavior, health is the first thing to consider.

    And then, if it's at all possible for you to arrange: take them out for a short walk for Ms M to do her business and then take Mr B out for a longer faster one. Why force her to do something she doesn't want to, or which may be painful for her?

  12. I have a long retractable lead for my "rabbit" and my "donkey" and I keep a slower pace while he runs circles around us.
    Take a bit of focus to keep the leashes right but it keeps everyone happy!

  13. love the pictures! They capture their personalities quite well.

  14. My bully mix does the same thing. It's her way or the highway and when she digs in her heels, there's not much I can do to move her 85 lb body in any direction but the one she wants to go in. But I do love Miss M's pouty little face :)

  15. Our dogs love to walk no matter what the weather. I however agree with Miss M. Great pictures!

  16. Mr. B looks so happy in that first picture!

    We only have one, but our fosters are always up for a walk since they're always younger puppies. Izzy gets a bit annoyed when they ram into her on the leash, but she helps to show them how to walk nice.

    Izzy pulls like a horse when we hit our block though. I think she wants to get home to see who's there if only one of us has her out.

  17. hahhaha these were great pictures for the post!
    Darwin's not a fan of walks. She'll usually resist going more than a couple blocks, but once she's past a 2 block radius she'll be perfectly happy walking. Then as we head home she'll pull to hurry up and return to her couch. Yes, HER couch. :)

  18. you are seven..pawrents don't understand you are older than them now, BOL
    Benny & Lily

  19. I am even more convinced that Kitty (aka Speedy Gonzalez) is a clone copy of Ms. M. Coco (Curious GeorgePug) is the slow-poke. She is content to bug hunt for hours without noticing the rest of us are freezing. As we have adopted the Y leash attachment to stop the constant tangling up and stopping, it seems Kitty is able to drag the reluctant Coco along.


  20. This is the funniest post I've read in a long time, lol. Just hilarious. I love the contrast between the two of them. They really remind me of an old married couple sometimes, haha.

  21. Hah! Sounds like Miss M. would be perfectly happy to be left by the fire while Mr. B gets taken on a second walk.... Just saying... Although, when TaiChi (our miniature poodle) was old (but not yet ancient), she did the same thing - she'd walk so far and then stop. And since we usually walk in a big loop, I'd get stuck carrying a 20lb dog for a mile and a half. Eventually I learned to just walk her a shorter distance (she was 17-18 years old at the time) and then take the other dogs on a longer walk afterward. TaiChi was very happy with the arrangement, as were the other dogs, who wanted to walk longer. :-)

    Great photos, BTW!

    -Dr. Liz (the girls are nursing a case of kennel cough picked up at daycare, and have urged me to go visit some blogs on their behalf)

  22. my Annie is the same way in cold weather, but especially rain. She is absolutely stubborn and will walk as little as she can. While her brother, Paul, charges ahead. There have been several times I've picked her 70 lbs. butt up and carried her about a block and then put her down. The look on her face when I pick her up is hilarious, but it ends up being what motivates her toockus to move.

  23. It's so funny - Ty's gotten the same way since his 7th birthday. It's like he thinks everything is optional and up to his discretion! What are we going to do with our senior citizens?

  24. Oh Ms. M, that warm hearth of home is calling.
    We are both still a couple of Rabbits in any weather, but we don't know Chicago...maybe we would be Donkeys too. Brrrrr!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  25. Are you sure she's not in pain? We had that behavior from Penny and took a long time to realise she had a partially torn cruciate ligament. She didn't have much of a limp.

  26. Oh Mr. B, you would fit right in here! Lady and Lucky (not sure about Katie yet) want to walk in any kind of weather - as far and as long as possible. Hmmm.. I wonder if two separate walks are the solution?

  27. Despite the difference in their sizes, I see so much similarity between Phoebe and Miss M.

  28. I have the answer to all of your questions about what makes Miss M, Miss M.

    It's really very simple. As a mom of both estorgen-based boxers AND (ok only one) estrogen-based pibble, I can tell you that the bully mix that Miss M has contains a wee bit more of whatever makes a boxer AND in an estrogen package.

    You have done amazing work with such an indomitable combination of boxer+estrogen!!! Note the pouty mouth? Ever noticed a (dare I say?) bossy nature? Does the word 'Princess' ever come to mind??? Do you every say to yourself, "that's just Miss M"??? Do you ever tell her "it's a good thing you're so cute"??? If you answer yes to any of these questions, I rest my case ;-)

    Thanks for all you guys do!

  29. They are way too cute! Isn't it funny how dogs definitely know their neighborhoods? They know the streets and the smells leading right back home.

  30. What a great post! I love the pictures. Ms M cracks me up. We live in Jersey and I'm sure our winters don't get nearly as cold as yours in Chicago, so both of our pups don't put up a fight to go out. Our Amy is a little dramatic at times though, and our boy Luke is always happy go lucky. It is so funny to me how all our animals have such different personalities... just like people :-)

  31. all my pups act like miss m when its raining out

    Stop on by for a visit

  32. Love picture 2 and picture 4. Miss M in her sherpa hoodie and Mr. B with that huge smile. Thanks for making me smile.

    We too tried the booties thing and they just won't stay on our feet. We do have our coats and Mom says she might make us some pretty scarfs for this winter. I don't see them staying on very well. Do you?


  33. Oh my :) Gal's gettin stubborn fur sure! ;) Sounds like walkies may be done in two sets for a bit ;) Great photos! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  34. haha Mom would just use it as an excuse to get back home quickly with the 'donkey' and snuggle in front of the fire while Dad would continue on the hike with the 'rabbit'! Mom thinks Ms B has the right idea!

    PeeS - Thanks so much for the mention on FB! You're the best! Calendar mailing today too! THANKS!

    The Road Dogs

  35. I laughed when I read this. Our foster is doing the same thing. He is just plain dominate and wants everything his way. For Miss M I would check the hips/elbows just to be sure. If all things are in check as we say there is no negotiation when walking. Dogs need walks or do a treadmill everyday.

    Our creative way of dealing with the donkey behavior is looping part of the lead around the handle of the back pack, give a pull forward will the command "lets go" and he starts walking again. We do not release pressure until he walks. We don't pull on the neck. For us this Works like a charm and the young boy gets his badly needed walk.

  36. First of all, these pictures of Ms. M are absolutely *priceless*. And gee, this scenario sounds awfully familiar. One dog pulling while the other one acts like a brick wall? Check! Feeling like you are being pulled apart like a wishbone? Check! Unfortunately for us, the role of puller and brick wall is interchangeable depending on the who finds what scent on the ground irresistible. Ah, the joys of walking two dogs.

  37. Chaos does this too (and this is the dog that used to really enjoy walks!), but I think it's related to his arthritis and the pain it causes him.

    Is this a more recent development, or has Ms. M always done this?
