Friday, January 27, 2012

Miss M being Miss M

We are very lucky that Miss M is not much of a barker. We have only heard her bark to correct, and that is ironic since it is Miss M that should be the one getting corrected. However, that does not mean that she is not a vocal pooch. Most of the time, Miss M is quite the lazy pooch, enjoying her 23 hrs of shut eye moving from one comfy spot
to another.
However, she becomes quite a vocal pooch when she wants something. On the weekends, if we happen to stir at all, this is a signal for the pooches to freak out. First I am woken up by Mr. B's gigantic face licking my nose.
Then comes Miss M's melodic singing. We first thought that she had to go potty, so we would take her down, but that ended up with her running around the backyard and then running back up the stairs and crying to get back in to the house. Eventually we learned that her melodic singing was for her breakfast.
Poor Miss Bessie-Belle, she still has not gotten used to their routine and one time she got caught in a Night at the Roxberry moment, with Miss M on one side and Mr. B on the other side knocking her back and forth.
FYI:The gate we have up, blocks Miss M from sneaking out in the middle of the night to scope out any food that is unaccounted for, to go potty on the living room rug or to do some random mischief.


  1. OMD! OMD! Now, I KNOW Miss M and me are related cuz I do that EXACT SAME THING when mom and dad won't get outta bed to gets me breakfast! (Oh, and I spin in circles like that, too, when I gets excited.) See, here's the thing...she wouldn't have to do that if you didn't TORTURE HER by just laying there in bed wide awake and not moving. Just sayin'...

    Wiggles & WAgs,

  2. Oh that's funny, I didn't know Miss M and Mr. B did that! Lady and Lucky do the same thing (minus the vocal part), and Katie has joined right in. So, you guys probably know the ol "you wake up, but whatever you do don't move a muscle" trick! Hahahaha- But inevitably you have to move or turn over or something and then...GOODBYE relaxing time in bed! The dogs officially know you're awake, and with all that pacing, toenails clicking on the floor, and excited happy Good Morning dog kisses, well - you're awake for real!

  3. Miss M cracks me up.Bilbo is a barker (no surprise there!) but he's got quite an amusing rep of sounds, especially when he wants to go out and I'm not moving quick enough. The yawn-whine is one of my favorites.

  4. The more I learn about Ms. M, the more I think she and Melanie are long lost sisters. Melanie lets us sleep in (usually), but when she's ready for food she wants it right this second too!

  5. Miss M keeps you guys on your toes!! And the "singing" as you call it, which is much nicer than the "back talk" I call it is the same as I get by my Maggie for the same reasons.

  6. Oh Miss M! You are truly starved. BRB, calling the SPCA.

  7. Amazing how smart our pitties are isn't it? It must be in their genes becuse Miss Rosie does the exact same stuff, sleeping 23 hours a day, telling me when she is ready to eat. I always say its Rosie's house, I'm just the sucker who pays the bills!

  8. joining in on the theme here: carra makes the exact.same.noise but hers usually is when she wants on our laps while we work at the computer. one of my all time favorite images is of sean typing AROUND carra as she sits straight up in his lap, happy as a clam.

  9. Oh that poor dog! Honestly she sounds like a crying baby. Back when we crated Wilbur he would start warbling at something like 6AM. Now that he sleeps with us we actually get up and leave him in bed.

  10. Ha! Maggie does the same but only once I start the breakfast process. And she occasionally barks at me if she thinks I'm not moving fast enough for her.

    When we are on the Honest Kitchen part of our rotation diet, it's especially insane because she has to wait for 5 whole minutes for the food to rehydrate. You'd think I was starving and/or torturing her! Glad to know I'm not the only one with a pooch who's a little vocal about noms time!

  11. Oh goodness! Lucy and I make the same vocal demands on our mamma. Sometimes she just refuses to get up before the sun comes up. We get sooooo hungry waiting...


  12. That is hilarious - Miss M is so sassy!

  13. We used to have German shepherds and they were very talkative. All sorts of sounds that weren't barking to convey whatever they had to say. Miss M is very funny.


  14. That's hilarious!! Made my morning. Zoe is not much of a barker either, but what she does is repeatedly throw herself against the bedroom door until we take her outside. Ha.

  15. It's not often that we catch a part of the human side of your household, so I love the part where E mumbles "whoa...she's ffffllippin' out" as Miss M spins.

  16. I think Nala is the only dog in the world who does NOT like to get up in the morning!!! She does her very dramatic sighs and slithers off the bed, if I take too long getting myself ready to take her out she tries to crawl back into bed. She will easily go past noon on the weekend without potty or of my reasons for getting a dog was to make me more productive on weekend mornings, but of course I got the dog version of myself!! we are such lazy bums in the morning!!

  17. Ms M you sound exactly like me.
    Benny ( & Lily)

  18. Haha, Brodie does little dinosaur noises in the morning, unless we are having a slumber party in our room, then the pooches stay asleep well after we have gotten out of bed.

  19. That is cute. Barbie vocalises for her dinner and walks, they don't get breakfast anymore. This is Barbie's singing:

  20. BOL! That's quite the morning serenade Miss M gives ya :) Such a character! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  21. Miss Bessie is so beautiful!

    How do you keep them from jumping up on the bed. Mine jump up and pin me down when it's time to get up. Which is counter-productive, but try explaining that to a dog!

  22. aww she is such a beautiful pooch! Shadow is very vocal too, it always makes me laugh :)

  23. yep, it's gotta be a pittie thing - G is a gosh darn opera singer in the morning when she wants her breakfast. She can hit some notes that I think would give Mariah Carey a run for her money!

    LOVE the video, they are so cute and happy in the morning!

  24. I'm sure she's just sitting there thinking, "why are those two jerks just laying there and not feeding me?!?! Lazy humans!" Our dogs were so good about sleeping in, which they still do, but when Jason gets up and showers and gets dressed, Neptune jumps off the bed and wakes me up. Sleep is a precious commodity around here these days, so I don't enjoy the wake-up call of Neptune stepping on me every morning!

  25. Max and Drake both howled when I played this, hah!
