Tuesday, February 7, 2012

SociaBulls: The Experiment Called SociaBulls

SociaBulls has turned into something a lot larger than we ever could have imagined. It first started with a lot of guidance and advice from Lark at HikeABull, and then a small group walk with BuddyJack, Maize, Torre and Miss M and Mr. B back in August. Though A is the brains, beauty and brawn behind SociaBulls, I would like to think that I am more than just the husband and I actually do some of the little things behind the scenes, like driving us to and fro and walking a pooch. 
Regardless, I love the community that we have built, and that we continue to build, as we incorporate new pooches. With more than 80 new member requests, we love that SociaBulls members have stepped up to create a "Board" which is seemlessly helping integrate new members and keep things manageable.
Our own pooches have even given up their walking spots to allow adorable adoptable Ferris from New Leash on Life come to work on his leash skills, as A leads and documents the walk and serves as the 'dogless person' each week.
We love how we are still able keep our main vision of 'owners helping owners' and we are excited to see new groups starting up in so many different cities. 
We also enjoy that this is a free way for people to work with their dogs without any judgement or criticism. 
Also, it is nice to work with a pooch without worrying about what others are thinking and being part of a community of like-minded and responsible dog owners. 

We even have a Chicago SociaBulls facebook page with further updates. 


  1. For some reason this post almost made me cry it was so sweet! I'd like to add that I've also met some really amazing, awesome, sweet, kind, and understanding friends through this whole fantastic process.

  2. Doing great things! Love reading about the walks and all the new doggies!


  3. I love how far this walking group has come. Such a big and amazing accompliment.

    Have you seen this featured article on yahoo? Can you believe McDonald's used a pitbull to question their customers which was "safer??" Unbelievable. You can see it here


  4. growing growing growing...keep up all the great work!!!

  5. http://www.buzzfeed.com/bradrocks/the-true-meaning-of-friendship-1sau

    Look who i found on Buzzfeed!
    Is that levi, Mr. B, and Ms. M in that picture?!

  6. I love seeing your photos :) very cool!
    I do have one question though, about 50% (maybe more?) of the dogs in your photos are always wearing prong collars... why? you can't even buy them here in New Zealand, I'm wondering why people use them, they don't look very comfortable (to say the least!) for the dogs.

  7. We feel so lucky to be part of this group!

  8. What an awesome group of walker friends
    Benny & Lily

  9. i laugh...is it coincidence that my sweet estelle is photographed below the comment: free way for people to work with their dogs without any judgement or criticism... it is just that so thank you! ;)

  10. There is a Husky in my building and a chihuahua mix across the street that suffer from leash agression, the former against people AND dogs (especially dogs) and the latter against dogs. They have both had extremely traumatic experiences that transformed their behavior and it is escalating to the point of unmanagable. Is there any such program in NYC that you are aware of that would benefit this dogs to calm them down? At home they are precious but outside they are out of control.

  11. Hi Rose: That does sound like a difficult situation. Hopefully the owners are aware of their dogs' needs and are working with them as it can be a long process. Being in Chicago we don't know as much about NYC resources, but we do have a knowledgeable NYC blog friend who can probably direct you; you should talk to Josh at That Touch of Pit: http://thattouchofpit.com/
    Good luck!
