Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Miss M and Her Girl

On our recent daily walk, I was the one playing paparazzi and taking pictures of A and the pooches. It was fun capturing Miss M as she graces the city of Chicago with her presence. Miss M is prepping herself for all of her adoring fans, going through talking points in her head during a quick jaunt around the neighborhood.
Though her schedule is quite busy, Miss M takes this short break to hang out with her girl,
but it was quickly interrupted by a hoard of her fans. 
Just like the Queen, Miss M loves waving to all of her adoring fans at different intersections around the city. 
But she does not wave for free, a treat better be close behind. 


  1. LOL! That made me laugh here this morning as I sip my coffee and try to wake up. Love the fans descending on her, too cute. I hope she got the treat! :)

  2. Oh Fun! Sometimes this happens with Holly at PetSmart -- I'm always so happy when my bully girl has a chance to win over some new fans!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's a wonder she is even able to get any exercise with all of those adoring fans surrounding her! ;)

  5. Miss M! I love her queenly wave and how she holds court at the fountain. Thanks for making me laugh, as always!

  6. I love how happy she looks! No grumpy Miss M today. :)

  7. Aww, so sweet! Were these just random fans captivated by Miss M's cuteness, or were they blog readers/pawparazzi?

  8. Digging her pink chin in that last picture.

  9. wow, Your so blessed to have Ms. M, she's very gorgeous and beautiful, I'm glad that you have a great day today! thumbs up for you guys :D

    Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

  10. That was awesome fun. I love that people flock to Miss M...Mina is always excited if one little kid glances her way.

  11. Waving at you Miss M.

    You are too cute. I bet you have the fans lining up around the block waiting to shake your paw.

