Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Things to do with Dogs: City Explorers

One secondary side effect of owning dogs: we've become city explorers. Since we don't have a backyard, and we have to be out there so much, this is the perfect excuse to explore different parts of the city. Did you ever imagine seeing something like this smack dab in the middle of Chicago?
Somehow taking a stroll with our pooches, and finding photo shoot opportunities, is much more interesting than hanging out in one place with a book. Plus we meet more people.
 Has anyone else found owning dogs has caused you to become more of a city explorer?


  1. I just found the most amazing park last night, only a mile from our house! We live in a city/suburb-y area just off a highway; not the nicest environment to walk in. But yesterday's explorations revealed a reservation with a river (and crew teams practicing!), a paved bike path, benches, and a community garden. Amazing!

  2. I've always owned older dogs in the city and last year when we decided to get another dog I knew I wanted to get a puppy so I could do more adventurous activities with him. He turned out to be a very reactive little guy but we go on lots of training walks and take him to lots of hiking trails. I look forward to the day when I can be more relaxed when I'm out with him and spend some more time capturing pictures of our adventures, but in the meantime I love the areas I've found and continue to find on our daily explorations.

  3. We love taking Mugsy out on new adventures. It also gives us a chance to really see what's around us. So many times we have driven past places we didn't even know existed until we walked past. We need to start expanding our routes. Anyone have suggestions for new neighborhoods to venture through?

  4. Because of Stella, I've learned the names of every creek in Nashville, which is pretty amazing since there are so many. We explore the city too, if fact, she seems to like the busy areas just as well as the park. Don't think I would have ever gone out walking (beyond my own neighborhood) without her.
