Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Boys Room

A couple of weekends ago, we participated in our friends', a Yellow Brickhome, yard sale. That lead to us donating many of our belongings, multiple trips to Ikea and the paint store and hours painting and remodeling the office.
The office has quickly become the favorite hang out of Mr. B. It has become our sanctuary away from the "ladies". He loves the calming vinyl toys and blue walls, and I love the calming skateboards and bike.
Do you have specific places in your home your dog calls his own?


  1. It looks so good!!!

    I love your Wicker Park print. Scott and I wanted to get the one for Logan Square, but for the life of me, I don't know where to find it anymore. Where did you get yours?

  2. Sure does look comfy in there. We have special spots in every room
    Benny & Lily

  3. Looks very nice. The HoundDogs claim the queen size bed in the bedroom as their space. BOL Sniffs, The HoundDogs
