We were just talking about how we try to
balance leaving our dogs at home vs. taking them with us everywhere, when we discovered a new way to have family dinners together: nostalgic dinners at the drive-in. We were wanting to try Chicago's infamous
SuperDawg: an old-fashioned drive-in hotdog stand. With its over-the-top lifesize hotdog characters on the top of the building, car service, Chicago-style hotdogs and milkshakes it was just like a scene from the movie Grease. You can tell how good the food was based on Miss M's 'crazy eyes':
The pooches were a bit confused about why they were sitting in a car that wasn't moving and when we would get to our actual destination. They were also a hit with the cars who pulled up alongside us.
Do your pooches typically come along for family dinners?
Dining outdoors with Dogs.
I used to take my cocker retriever, Sandy, with me on Sunday mornings. We would pick up the papers (from a drive-up deli) and then hit Mickey D's for some sausage biscuits and coffee.
Then we'd go and park down by the public docks, I'd roll down the windows and we would enjoy our breakfast with the sounds and smells of the ocean wafting through the car.
Sandy was the only dog I've had that didn't care for car rides but I think she enjoyed those mornings on the dock (or maybe it was just the sausage biscuits).
We been looking for dog friendly patios to bring Mugsy with us. We have found a few in the area and love bringing him with. We try to find a corner where he can have some space and bring a bully stick to keep him entertained. He has done great so far and hopefully we can find new places to take him
Love Ms M's crazy eyes and Mr B's Oliver Twist face! My own pooch loves when we go through the drive-through at Starbucks or when I indulge my secret guilty pleasure & go through the drive-through window at Popeyes (Nina gets my biscuit). Also, there are a couple of restaurants with dog-friendly patio's in the area that we go to occasionally, but my grandie's fav thing these days is picnicking at the park so Nina loves when we do that! And we usually sit at an outside table at local ice-cream parlor to enjoy our cones while Nina gets a child size scoop of vanilla.
Rosie likes to go to the drive through at Mc Donalds and Dunkin Donuts. I love to see peoples reactions when she sticks her head out the window. At the bank, she gets a treat from the teller.
BTW, don't you ever feed Miss M???? She looks like she is absolutely starving in her picture....lol...
I love the way M's eyes look in the "gimme my food" picture. Annie would be the same way! We've never tried a drive in, but that may be next on our list of things to try with Annie & Paul.
Haha! Miss M's eyes. We take our two as much as possible. We have our house on the market, which means the girls get to go for ice cream or dinner with us on Saturdays. Kitty doesn't do well in very noisy/crowded restaurants though. We have a car seat for them, so it is super easy to take them places. The hot dog place looks fun! Have to love dancing hot dog figures :)
Maxy and I tried the Dock at Montrose this weekend, it was lovely. It's dog friendly and right on the beach. After a long walk along the lake, Max crashed under the table as my friends and I enjoyed our lunch. I highly recommend it!
This post reminded me that I went to SuperDawg once when I lived in Chicago...on a bitterly cold winter night when it seemed that there was no one else alive in the world. It looks like you guys had more fun!
I LOVE Miss M's crazy eyes. They are my favorite.
nothing better than the car
Benny & Lily
Portia is pretty much always along for the ride, as long as there are no stops to make where I'll be out of the car for more than 10 minutes.
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