Monday, June 24, 2013

SociaBulls: The 'After-Training' Experience

We've been realizing a lot of the people who see us on our walks think we're a training group.
Which we're not.
The unique thing about our group is that we are really an 'after-training' group.
We aren't trainers and we don't allow trainers on our walks. Though our group is a way to put our training into action and continue working on what we've all learned in our previous classes.
Our members have gone through classes, know their dogs' quirks and understand how to handle their dogs. And this knowledge is what makes our group possible.
We like how our group walks have become a way to continue working after the class ends or between classes with like-minded owners.
Beyond a walking group, what are some other ways people work on 'after-training'?

Join our Chicago SociaBulls  Facebook page for more photos and information about group walks. And check out the Hikabulls page where we first learned about the benefits of group walking.   
Please Note: As the weather has warmed up, bikers, runners, dogs, and kids have come out in full force in many of the areas that we walk. While we had previously been introducing new members a few at a time to each walk, we've decided that in order to continue to keep our group safe and make our walks a positive experience for everyone, we are putting new members "on hold" for the summer. You can still submit an application, and it will go on our wait list in the order it is received. Once things quiet down a bit more in the fall, we will resume introducing new members a few at a time to each walk, and will be contacting people on the wait list in a first-come, first-served manner. 

Owners helping owners
Exposing our hidden world
What they see

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