Friday, June 7, 2013

The Elusive Command for Mr. B

Though you would never suspect from the pictures, but there is one command that continues to elude Mr. B, well actually us training Mr. B, and that is slow or walk. Ever since Miss M broke her toenail off, we have been more conscientious of their indoor behavior. 
For some reason, life is too exciting for Mr. B and he always has to jog or run, which is the complete opposite of Miss M. We can tell which pooch is approaching by the pace of their footsteps. Miss M is more of a tap...tap...tap...tap...tap type of pooch, and though you probably couldn't tell from the pictures but Mr. B is more of a taptaptaptaptap type of pooch. 
Miss M cannot get to us slow enough and Mr. B cannot get to us fast enough. It is quite annoying when we have to go for a walk and Miss M is taking her own sweet time, sauntering around and enjoying the decor of the house, while Mr. B is running so fast that he has to slide under or jump over our legs.
We have tried without any success to get Mr. B to enjoy his morning walk from the bedroom to the living room in the morning or his evening walk from the living room to the bedroom. Sometimes it seems like life is too short for Mr. B and he has to run everywhere to make sure he enjoys it all and doesn't miss a thing.
Miss M on the other hand thinks living with us has been long enough and she needs to buy time so she doesn't have to be bored by our presence,
oddly enough, Miss M has a lot of wiggle and pep in her step when she meets new people.
Do your pups enjoy life fast or slow?


  1. We have one of each!! Tess does life at whatever pace we are, while Ed feels the need to run EVERYWHERE. Up the steps, down the steps, to his food bowl. We have gotten him to wait before going downstairs in the morning and he'll even walk behind us (although just barely and he give our legs a tap to know that we need to speed up!).

  2. Let me tell you...I WISH I had one of each. Both of my boys run EVERYWHERE. Life it just too exciting at all times, from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed we are in constant high gear! I must say "easy" a thousand times a day!!!

  3. Haha that's great about Ms. M sauntering around. That's exactly how our Amy is. When its time for us humans to eat dinner she takes her sweet time getting up so we can all eat out in the living room -she literally just lays on the floor, then paw by paw slowly makes her way over. And the look on her face is priceless, like, what, I'm pacing myself haha. Luke is a madman though and runs everywhere! From first thing in the morning until the end of the day life is a party for him haha.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Mugsy lives life to the fullest........when he isn't napping. He likes being head of the pack and always being in front (as most of you know from Sociabulls). Only time he drags behind is when we try to run with him or its raining and he wants to go home. Shannon and I both have fast walking speeds which we probably developed when we got Mugsy. So we just adapted to his pace to keep everyone happy happy happy

  5. BOL boy oh boy does that sound familiar! I could walk the marathon. My Lily sits and waits for people to pet her
    Benny & Lily

  6. Haha too cute!! Our pups' speeds just depend on exactly what we are asking them to do ;)

  7. Mr. B sounds just like Dottie, she has two speeds stop and go go go!

  8. Hahaha....that's just like Annie and Paul! Paul charges full fource down the hallway to get to the door. Annie does a much slower walk as if to say why are you up this early and what do you expect me to do?

  9. Haha! Hilarious post. My pooches are a mix of fast, slow - and indifferent. They know they own me!

  10. That's so funny. I don't know why but I pictured them being the opposite! Maybe it's different when you don't have a yard but I always try to encourage my dogs to stay calm in the house. Norman doesn't have a problem with it but Kaya likes to prance around sometimes. She gets it under control when I say "calm down" though:)

  11. Turk also prefers zooming through the house! I bet he and Mr. B would be fast friends (pun intended!)

    Emily @ Our Waldo Bungie
