Monday, July 29, 2013

Pooches: Miss M is a Trick (aka: the snitch)

While we have taken some downtime from the blog, we have realized how much we actually miss it and that there are still some stories that we would like to tell. We are still playing a bit of catch-up, so  we will be running some of our most-requested themes along with answering some questions. 
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The pooches are not allowed on any of our furniture, except in the summer, when I (not A) love to let them hang out with me on the outdoor furniture. No matter how hot it is outside, Mr. B is just like me: we enjoy laying out under the beaming sun, taking in the heat and everything else associated with the summer.
Miss M, just like A, is a bit more sensitive and they enjoy a more temperate temperature. However, though Miss M hates hot weather, what she hates even more is seeing Mr. B doing something she doesn't get to do. Little did we know that Miss M is a trick (snitch).
The story of Miss M the trick aka snitch, based on true accounts.
As Mr. B and I were enjoying our afternoon nap in the 100+ weather, Miss M was secretly spying on us from behind the curtain. 
She was shocked at what she saw: she couldn't believe Mr. B was laying on furniture, without A's permission. 
So she had to run into the kitchen while A was making lunch peering around the corner 
and crying fervently, until A asked Miss M "what was wrong". Miss M led her directly to the scene of the injustice 
Mr. B laying so nicely with me on the outdoor furniture. 
Miss M, trick, snitch or whistleblower?

In case you missed it, the most requested Miss M post.
This is the one we've heard makes most people laugh out loud in inappropriate places. This is  a close second. 


  1. Miss M is a total snitch, because she's jealous. But if she went out there, I bet she would not be comfortable in the heat and would then complain about that.

  2. Hahaha Ms M is hilarious. I love her face peering through the glass. Poor Mr B looks so sweet and peaceful relaxing. I could definitely picture my Amy alerting us to something her calm older brother was doing.
    So glad you're back :-)

  3. Poor Miss M is not able to enjoy the injustice. Too cute that she is a snitch.

  4. I needed a little something to cheer me up this morning. Tattling Miss M did the trick! :D

  5. Awe Miss M. You are entirely too cute. Thank you for sharing.

  6. That Miss M! She is such a stinker. BTW, we tell people that Wilbur allows us on the furniture. He's claimed the most comfortable place on the settee as his and if I sit there he gets all worked up.

  7. Poor Mr B! Even being a good and quiet guy gets him in trouble! Miss M cracks me up! :-)

  8. Miss M makes snitching look hip! It makes me want to snitch on someone right now!

  9. Miss M reminds me of my younger self, always tattling on my older brother.

  10. Oh Miss M... that jealousy will get you no where!

  11. My boy Jethro will chop out high pitched barks when the cat sneaks onto the kitchen table. And when young girl dog gets wild, he minds like no other time. He finds his own mischief but is first to call out another pet for breaking the rules.

  12. Yay! So elated you will keep telling tales of Mr. B and Miss M, and your daily lives in Chicago! Miss M is hilarious! Thanks for brightening our day with the cute personalities of your precious pit bull pups! :)
