Friday, August 2, 2013

Pooches: How Mr B Never Leaves his Tepee

This is Mr. B.
Mr. B lives in a tepee.
A tepee without a door.
Each day when we leave Mr. B is sitting in his tepee.
Each day when we return Mr. B is back in his tepee.
He must have been there all day!
Sometimes, when I'm coming home, I can look up and see Mr. B like this:
I will point and wave at him.
He will look back at me. But when I come upstairs, he is back in his tepee. Like he never moved.
Poor Mr. B. He thinks that we don't know he doesn't stay in his tepee all day.
In case you missed it:
Why Mr. B lives in a tepee.
The story of Miss M and the incriminating pillow


  1. I love Mr. B and his teepee. He is seriously one of my favorite dogs on the internet (don't tell Miss M!)

  2. I love Mr. B! He looks so adorable in that sweater! He should star in a children's book! Mr. B and his Stuffies!

  3. Mr. B is quite possibly my favorite pit bull. I love checking your all's blog each morning to see what he and Miss M are up to. If I ever come to Chicago, I want to come to the dog walking meetup. :)

  4. I agree with Livierules. Mr B and Miss M would be great characters for a series of children's books. I am seriously crushin on both your dogs.

  5. Is he supposed to stay in his teepee (like, do you give him a super-duper "stay" before you leave)? Or does he think that's what you want?

  6. @HeatherKay, we switched out his crate for a tepee, so when we leave the pups"go to bed" and Miss M stays in her crate and Mr B "stays" in his tepee until we return. We know he comes out, but the funny thing is that Mr. B takes it really literally and he rushes back to his tepee when we come back and he won't come back until he is released.

  7. He is so adorable. In our next house we are totally going to have a teepee for the pups.

    Emily @ Our Waldo Bungie

  8. Aw...I'm just getting to know Mr B and he is just adorable!! :-)

    Honey the Great Dane

  9. Sweet darling Mr. B, if I had a teepee like yours I would probably stay in it most of the day too!

  10. I think it's awesome that Mr. B has his own teepee!!

  11. Love Mr. B and his TeePee! I wish I had one!

  12. Mr. B we love your teepee. We have a feeling you are not in there all day, BOL
    Benny & Lily

  13. I can certainly see why he likes it!

  14. Oh man, they would be GREAT book characters -- they have so many stories!
