Thursday, October 3, 2013

DoggyStyle: Unrealized Outcomes of Pinterest Hacks (for Dogs!)

Along with so many others, lately we've been sucked into all the goodness that is Pinterest. With it's endless scrolls of photos, recipes, and home hacks we've been tempted to try some things on our own.
With some outcomes that we never expected.
Here are some of the dog-related things we tried:

Using Caulk on the Undersides of our Dog Rugs to keep them From Sliding
We love having these fluffy rugs scattered around our home as a place for our pups to lay that also looks nice. Though they would always slide around so much that we wanted something to secure them in place. Enter Pinterest where we found this idea to use caulk to slip-proof our rug. 
At first it worked really well. And we were happy. But then we realized if the rugs did move, from a vacuum or sliding dog, then all the caulk would come undone and you would just have to re-do everything. And after they came undone the first time, we just never replaced it.
We had also read about some people who had issues with discoloring. When we first removed the caulk there was some initial discoloring, though it did disappear with washing and time. 

Using Virgin Coconut Oil for Pups' Chapped Skin and Itchy Spots
Pinterest is filled with pins about the many uses of Virgin Coconut Oil. From being a hair conditioner to seasoning cast iron skillets to eating it as a supplement. We also found out it's safe for dogs.
It worked wonders on Miss M's chapped nose and soothing some itchy spots on Mr. B.
The only's too delicious.
Miss M spends the whole time licking the oil off of her nose...and off of Mr. B.

Fixing Scratches on Wood Furniture
I never thought this pin about fixing scratches on wood furniture would involve the dogs. Our coffee table is a bit scuffed, and I was excited to try this vinegar and olive oil mix. While it did make some of our scratches less noticeable--though not as amazing as the example in the pin--we did have a problem: Miss M thought this concoction was delicious. Every time I turned my back she was trying to sneak a lick of the table.

These are some of our behind-the-scenes outcomes. Any other stories from great Pinterest pins? Or fails?

How we learned to save money using human products for our pups
This one worked. And it keeps our home smelling nice!
Discussing Coconut Oil and dog allergies.

Check our Facebook page for more photos, comments, and storylines beyond the blog


  1. Could you mix the coconut oil with something bitter? I had a hand lotion once that smelled like cupcakes, but tasted like Satan--much worse than any other lotion. I know they must have put something in it to keep kids from eating it. Added benefit of keeping Mr. B from chewing and licking the itchy spot as well.

  2. OMG, so hilarious. Love the pic of Ms M licking the oil off of Mr B's face - too funny!

  3. So funny! My favorite Pinterest-for-dogs story is the time I wrapped one of our dogs in Christmas lights to try and achieve those amazing Christmas-card-worthy photos. His expression was priceless and needless to say, it did not turn out as well as the Pinterest folks. Isn't that always the case?

  4. Very funny post. My dogs would have done the same thing!

  5. This is sooo funny! Poor Mr B! His expression just cracks me up.
    (Holly is a savage licker too -- esp. for any body, hand, or face lotion)

  6. Foiled again by Ms. M!

    I was wondering if anyone had any tips from Pinterest (or otherwise) to help get rid of the stains around a dog's eyes and mouth.

  7. We haven't really come up with that much stuff from Pinterest for the pooches...but man, has dog art taken over!

    Tess always licks the shower water off our legs in the morning, which can be...awkward.

    Mr. B has the best expressions!

  8. So funny! I wanted to "like" every picture. Dogs are an endless source of humor :)

  9. Love the look on Mr. B's face!

  10. I'm totally going to try the coconut oil on our pittie's belly. It's so red and itchy right now!

  11. Coconut oil is awesome! I put a teaspoon in Kaya & Norman's meals instead of salmon oil, they love it!

  12. Caulk on the bottom of rugs? Genius!

    Emily @ Our Waldo Bungie

  13. Pinterest does have a ton of cool stuff and ideas
    Benny & Lily
