Monday, November 18, 2013

SociaBulls: The Value of a Free Walking Group

We all know how expensive it can be to own a dog, and that is why it was especially important for us to have something that dogs and their owners could do together with fellow responsible owners.
Something that is free.
While we aren't a training group, we know many people who wanted a way to put what they learned in training into practice, but all of the training classes were becoming too expensive. Especially with multiple dogs.
We even had someone tell us a trainer in their area led a pack-walking group and charged $25 per walk. It was $50 to bring both of their dogs for a single walk.
While we do have a lot of people working behind-the-scenes, and often spending their own money, we just ask that members use a 4-foot leash, carabiners, a colored bandana and follow the set procedures.
It's nice that we were able to build this resource in our community, though I'm also curious about other resources people use.
What are some free or low-cost options that other people use to continue their training?

To learn more about our group, join our Chicago SociaBulls Facebook page for more photos and updates. And check out the Hikabulls page where we first learned about the benefits of group walking.

The after-training group.
By the numbers
Our members.


  1. We've gotten tons of comments from people so grateful to have PEDs as a resource in our community. At the same time, we started it for selfish reasons - to give us a place to work on Edi. Win-win! Erie is also working on a dog park, which I think will be free. While we don't generally frequent dog parks, I think could be a good resource. But who knows, maybe if we get up early enough we can have some alone time!

  2. I wish we had something like that here in Orange County, Ca. Milo thinks he needs to always be playing when another dog is around. Pack walking would help teach him to simply "walk" :) If anyone knows of one in the OC, please let me know :)

  3. We think those are very responsible rules. Glad you are safe from that nutty weather yesterday
