Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Things to do in Chicago with Dogs: Dining Outdoors with Dogs who Are Uncomfortable with Outdoor Patios

While the city does allow pooches to join their owners on outdoor patios,  we know with all of the excitement, dropped food, and pups passing by this does take practice and it can be difficult. We know pups all have different tolerance and comfort levels and lately we've been trying different types of family meals out that include pooches.
Here we took our pooches on a Chicago-style family meal that would be perfect for dog-in-training.

Calumet Fisheries
We had first heard about Calumet Fisheries on Check Please! and we were excited to try this highly recommended, longstanding, family-run smokehouse. All of the fish is fresh and naturally smoked onsite in the smokehouses on-site. It is a bit far, but it was completely worth it and unlike anything we've ever had in the city. Everyone inside was so, so nice. The people working there, and even the other customers, were excited about the dogs waiting so patiently with E outside and several people came to meet them.
There are no seats or bathrooms and it is all carry-out. They have a single picnic table, and some people eat in their car, but we joined the crew out on the bridge and ate along the railing. It really did feel like we were on vacation:
except for Miss M who had her bridge-phobia kick in. It wasn't crowded, and there were no chances of running into other pups, so this would be a good exercise for pups-in training.

Rainbow Cone
Our second stop was Chicago staple the Orignial Rainbow Cone. I had only tried the Rainbow Cone during Taste of Chicago, so I was excited to see where it all began.
Dating back to the 1920's this stacked cone is perfect for the indecisive, layered with: Orange Sherbet, Pistachio, Palmer House, Strawberry, and Chocolate. I've heard there tend to be longer lines, but when we went mid-week there were only a few other people there; I went inside while E stayed with the pups. They have picnic tables outside, or you can just enjoy it in your car. It closes for the winter season, but it's something we can tell the pups will be looking forward to in spring.
With all of their patience, they even got a little lick.
What are some ways you have family dinners with your pups?

We find this long-standing favorite an easy transition
This is an easy walking meal
When we're feeling European
How we help our dogs to be successful dining at outdoor patios

Check our Facebook page for more photos, comments, and storylines beyond the blog.


  1. There are several places here in Rochester that have outdoor dining in the summer months. We have found some places that are especially dog friendly and those include Roscoe's Ribs, Bilotti's Pizza and of course, the ever popular Culvers.
    And even though Rochester does have an ordinance prohibiting dogs from being in places where food is served - even outdoors, we have never had any of these businesses ask us to take our dog and leave, so we will continue to give them our business once the weather warms up again.
    I think it also helps that Holly is well-behaved and very friendly and loves the chance to meet new people. And it's always fun for me to brag about what a great dog she is and hand out her "kiss" stickers and "business" cards. :-)

  2. What a fun adventure! I love how you take advantage of all your city has to offer. Your pups are lucky to enjoy field trips with you. Poor Miss M bracing herself on that bridge. Isn't it odd how they develop quirks?

  3. We recently posted about finding patio seating that allowed our dogs (well, at least didn't kick them out). But most of the summer that patio is PACKED!

    We like taking the pooches to Sara's - a little old-timey diner on the peninsula with tons of outdoor seating. While a lot of people take their pooches to Presque Isle, there aren't ever many at Sara's, even though it is always busy.

    There is also another ice cream shop a nice walk from the house that we'll go to (and the pooches are starting to get tired before we even get there!) and they have a few picnic tables outside.

  4. I like the idea of the outdoor patios but delivering to my car wind

  5. That photo of her on the bridge is hysterical (although I did feel bad laughing at her phobia)! I don't take Melvin to any outdoor cafes, just because he will inevitably get access to something he is allergic too.

  6. Poor Ms. M!!! Max has elevator phobia, he does the same squashed stance.

  7. Here in Dallas, patio dining is limited to just a few pleasant weeks a year. In the summer it's just too darn hot and it seems we go straight to winter, with no in between. But we do like to hit the ice cream trucks that frequent White Rock Lake.

  8. I love going out to eat with Norman. He enjoys the attention and hanging out in general. But Kaya can get bored so I have to make sure she's really tired if I bring her along. We're lucky to have a lot of dog friendly restaurants here:)

  9. Thanks for visiting with us , we appreciate your business and bringing the dogs with you.

    Mark Kotlick
    Calumet Fisheries, Inc.

  10. Thanks for visiting with us , we appreciate your business and bringing the dogs with you.

    Mark Kotlick
    Calumet Fisheries, Inc.
