Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Daily Walk in 10 Pictures 04.02.14

Lucky for us we live in the beautiful city of Chicago. Unlucky for us we live in Chicago weather. The Irrational Optimism Art Print by Sarah L perfectly explains Chicago weather:
That one day in March came and went this past weekend and we, meaning all of Chicago, made the most of that beautiful day.
The whole city was out taking advantage of every open city space. The pooches were excited to head out sans snoods, hoodies, coats, boots, and slush suits and enjoy our city in just their birthday fur.
 They met their many fans and reluctantly sat through photo shoot after photo shoot. Even though we missed most of the Elite 8 games, we are pretty grateful that we took advantage of that one day, because we are back to another week of winter.


  1. We got tricked, too! 2 days after our nice day we got 3 inches of snow! Hopefully those will be farther and fewer between. We're ready to be outside!!

  2. We got tricked, too! 2 days after our nice day we got 3 inches of snow! Hopefully those will be farther and fewer between. We're ready to be outside!!

  3. Hi. I almost never comment on your blog, but I don't want you to feel unappreciated. I read your posts every single day, and I actually save this blog for last, as it's my favorite and I like to end my blog reading with a bang. There's really no point to this comment other than to give you the kudos you deserve, since I also have a blog and I know that getting comments rocks. :)

  4. Mr. B is awfully handsome in his ball cap! It's a good look for a nice spring day.

  5. We've been trying to enjoy the nice days too when they come, today is not one of them though, we woke up to snow!
