Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pooches: Do Your Pups Sleep in Your Bed?

We always think it's funny when people ask whether our pups sleep in our bed with us.
Because if you have ever seen how Miss M sleeps like this:
and especially this:
there is no way we are voluntarily inviting her into our bed. 
And poor Mr. B always loses by default.
At the same time, we know plenty of people who routinely have their pups in their bed.
One of our friends hilariously told us they weren't sure they could adopt a second dog because there wouldn't be enough room in the bed for everyone.
So we're curious, do your pups sleep in your bed?

Twin dog beds!
What we're hoping for soon.

Check our Facebook page for more photos and story lines beyond the blog.


  1. Yes, both our dogs sleep in the bed. In fact, when we officially adopted Sarge we upgraded from a queen to a king just to accommodate the extra space he takes up.:)

  2. Both of our dogs sleep in our bed. In the winter it comes in quite handy because they like to be under the covers. We did have to get a bigger bed so that every one fit.

  3. Ours sleeps under our covers across our feet. She likes to rest her bony head on my ankles. Its uncomfortable, but I wouldnt want her any place else.

  4. Sometimes. My dog takes up too much room like Miss M does. So he only sleeps with us when one of us are away on a trip, when it thunders, or when we just want him too. However, it is not very often. Probably a few times a month.

  5. Our bed when invited. He usually doesn't stay all night, but when there he's at my feet. He has his pillow on the floor next to the bed.

    He is allowed on the family room couch anytime and he thinks the playroom day-bed is his own. (He's gets pouty when we have a guest staying in "his" room.

  6. Both dogs sleep in the bed with us. I love snuggling with them!

  7. Can you guys get any cuter! Of course we sleep in the bed
    Lily & Edward

  8. My husband works 48 hour shifts so it's a huge comfort to have my lab sleep in the bed with me. She had a bed to the side originally, but it's so nice to have a warm body when every noise spooks me. She takes up a lot of room even in a king bed, but it's worth it.

  9. Yes, Rosa sleeps under the covers with me. I'm able to turn down the heat at night in the winter and I haven't needed flannel sheets in years! :)

  10. I actually just did a post on this last week - I had some great answers! Rufus definitely sleeps in the bed with us :)

  11. Yes, Barry sleeps with us every night. We love it! He's a cuddler so much of the bed space is taken up by him but it's precious.

  12. We also upgraded to a King when we got our second dog. Now that there are three.... let's just say some nights it's extremely cozy in that bed. Normally at least one dog will abandon the mattress for a more comfy, less crowded place but I suspect that when winter hits, it's back to a 3-dog bed for us. I personally love it. I wake up often with pain and having one or two pups there to stroke helps me find a calm place and lets me drift until it's time to take my meds. Given the chance to invite or not invite, I would absolutely invite them to sleep with us again. And I don't see a place where I wouldn't want them there.

    That being said... I totally get that some folks like them in the room in their own bed! I am judgment-free on where folks let their pups spend the night. :)

  13. Yes - I can not stand the sad face he gives when I tell him down. I have 3 pugs and a part time pittie :) I have a queen bed - me and the pugs just deal with it when he's over....

  14. Our pittie, Henry, sleeps in a queen size bed with us. I love it because I want to snuggle him, although at times he does crowd me a bit. My husband wishes Henry would sleep on a dog bed on the floor, but he goes along with three being a crowd. :)

  15. When my husband is out of town, our dog sleeps in the bed with me. It is very, very, very infrequent that the dog will be in the bed when my husband is home.

  16. Kaya & Norman have slept in the bed with me since their first nights! As non-destructive puppies, I was happy to cuddle with them all night long. Nowadays Norman sometimes opts for the couch though because he's too lazy to get up when we go to bed. Kaya pulls some Miss M maneuvers but I don't mind:) She is usually under the covers as well.

  17. LOL love those photos. Yes, both of mine sleep on the bed. They tend to be bed hogs but I can usually squeeze in a corner lol.

  18. Heck yeah!!! Under the covers! Personal space heaters without the electric bill, LOL!!

  19. I love it how so many dogs sleep under the covers! So does Petey!

  20. We sleep in bed with our dog and cat. For sure there is no room left for another pet ( sadly ).

  21. Melvin makes his way up into the bed in the middle of the night, and takes up the whole bed by morning. Jake sleeps in his bed (for many reasons)!

  22. Monty doesn't, because he is very much like Miss M. Harlow sleeps on the bed because her late night potty habits are questionable, and she tends to remember to wake us up as she is stepping on us to get off the bed.

    Monty and Harlow

  23. Yes, our dogs most definitely sleep on our bed. Argus, with his bad arthritis has been sleeping on his bed; Shelby comes and goes, but Alli and Tommy are always on the bed. Sasha would always sleep with us, but if it got to hot, off she'd go no matter how difficult it was to get off (one she crawled over my head to get off!).
