Thursday, December 11, 2014

Daily Walk: City Walk in Photos

As much as we are tempted to start our winter hibernation now, we know how important it is to keep our pups on their daily walking routine. As the pups have been getting older, we know the longer, low-impact walks are a good way to keep them fit while also keeping them mentally stimulated.
Here the pups take you on our city-dog walk:
The pups primp in our entry mirror before heading out. (We still barely recognize reflection Miss M!)
Miss M visiting her pet ducks.
Great check-in's Mr. B!
We saw a couple of families toting Christmas trees home. It's hard to see, but that pup in the photo is wearing antlers.
Miss M and graffiti.
The pups always seem to know where to find the free dog treats.
Mr. B gets extra exercise by treating the city as his obstacle course.
This weekend was also Toys for Tots Motorcycle Parade where an estimated 70,000 motorcycles ride through the city, up Western Avenue, with their toys to donate. At first we were conflicted because they ride straight through and it's really easy to get stuck on one side for a really long time. Then I was excited and I thought it would be fun to see them. Though somehow, except for the random motorcycle here and there, we seemed to miss them all. Though we did read allover Facebook about everyone who was stuck in the traffic.
Even with the cold weather, we still have a lot to see on our walks. Is anyone else still getting out there?


Check our Facebook page for more photos, comments, and story lines beyond the blog.


  1. I love their jackets! Didn't know they were sports fans!

  2. Love your dogs, and your blog! My newly-retired husband does most of the dog-walking duty these days,although I would dearly love to try & start up a dog-walking group down here in Sarasota Florida.

  3. We cringe when we hear people say there is not place in the city for a dog
    Lily & Edward

  4. Love the photo of Miss M by the men in motorcycle helmets! Petey and I are still going to the park, even in the dark, all bundled up!

  5. I tried to get Kaya & Zoey to look at themselves in the mirror today. I failed. :(
