Monday, May 4, 2015

Pooches: On "Shop Dogs" (Kind of)

After so many years of maintaining our blog and sharing about the pups daily, it feels so strange to have stepped away from the blog for so long.
Since we launched The Laboratory, things have become beyond busy between The Laboratory and our regular teaching at school. We wrote before that The Laboratory has always been a dream of ours, that we never realized regular people (like us!) could start. It has been so great to have so much support from everyone, and to actually create the types of classes that I always wished I could take. And it has been so much fun! We've been using chemistry to recreate Cleopatra's beauty products, re-creating Hogwarts in Chicago, and working with students as young as 5 to design their own mechanical creatures (including an all-girls class!). We're already developing our summer camps where we'll be training dragons, dodging zombies and working as detectives.
We're still out and about with the pups, though the time where I'd normally spend photographing, creating, and writing for the blog has now been dedicated to continuing to create ideas for The Laboratory, emailing and returning phone calls.
One thing that has been lucky for us is that the pups can join us at The Laboratory when we need to go in to do things and we don't have classes.
They like to sit by the window and watch the people who watch them:
You usually don't see "shop dogs" this big, or in a pair, so a lot of people stop and interact with them through the windows. So we thought of some ways they can draw extra attention to our space:
The pups like the idea of "going to work". Mr. B has even decided that any store in our neighborhood that has its door open must be his store.
They get to help us out as we test our experiments.
Like checking out the Bath Bombs (Miss M approved!):
And some of Elsa's magically disappearing snowballs.
Miss M was not impressed.
Or amused:
Sometimes they become a bit bored, kind of like when I used to visit my Dad's laboratory. And Mr. B will just try to sleep:
Though Miss M needs to make sure it's a bit more like home:
As things are starting to settle a bit more, we're hoping to get back to writing more on Two Pitties, because we really have missed it!

We've been posting somewhat on our Facebook page. 
We've still been running into a couple of people who know the pups from the blog (thanks for saying hi!). They've told us that this, this, and this were some of their favorite posts!


  1. Great to hear from you guys! Rock on!

  2. Love reading about the Laboratory! Sending love to the shop pups😍

  3. I've missed your blog posts, but think that what you're doing with the Laboratory is pretty fantastic!

  4. I've missed your blog posts, but think that what you're doing with the Laboratory is pretty fantastic!

  5. It's so inspiring what you have accomplished!! Of course, we miss your posts, but there are only so many hours in the day. For now, you need to focus on your dream and making The Laboratory a huge success

  6. Congratulations sounds awesome
    Lily & Edward

  7. So great to hear that the Laboratory is going well and that the pups are such good helpers. : D

  8. So glad to hear things are going well at the Laboratory. It looks like the pups are very good helpers. :)

  9. Sounds like you're doing just what you really want with The Laboratory! But it is nice to see a post again! And oh my but Miss M has such a sour look on her face - so not amused!

    Karen and Riley

  10. So happy to see your wonderful blog today and to hear about the pups and The Laboratory! Adorable pictures of Miss M and Mr. B, as always. Thanks, blessings as the four of you work together, and we look forward to more of Two Pitties in the City!

  11. Looks like you need a giant doggy bed in the corner! :-) What an amazing idea, i'm so glad you Laboratory is turning out so well! I wish I had something cool like that to go to when I was a kid. Who knows maybe you can expand in the future!
    I also think its awesome that you have the chance to showcase loveable pibbles in a very social setting, you're making such a great impact on your community! Keep it up!

  12. Awesome! Kaya & Norman would looove to be shop dogs. Actually, I think Kaya would prefer to be a ranch dog. ;) The Laboratory is so cool, what a great idea. Sounds like you guys are very "good busy." :)

  13. Getting caught up on blog reading finally! Love this adventure, cannot wait to hear more about it and see more of the dogs being able to join!
