Monday, September 28, 2015

The Bloomingdale Trail

We were so excited when the Bloomingdale Trail AKA The 606 opened earlier this summer. We knew that it would be a nice addition to our weekend walks, little did we know that it would be an essential part of our walks.
Initially it was a novelty to walk above the streets of Chicago, but now we use it whenever we go on our family walks to explore neighborhoods to the west of us or east to get something to eat at our familiar spots with the pooches.
We love that our walks are no longer interrupted by stop signs, stop lights, turning cars or any sort of motor vehicle. Rather than taking a whole day taking the pooches on our weekend walks, our weekend walks only take a few hours as we walk uninterrupted.
When A's family was in town, we, including the pooches, went on a nice family walk on the Bloomingdale Trail. A's mom commented that it must be the happiest place on Earth because everyone was smiling as they ran, biked or walked the trail.
It is one of our favorite places in Chicago, and all of us, including Miss M can be seen smiling as we traverse the Bloomingdale Trail.


  1. What an awesome spot to walk. All cities should have something like that! I remember when I lived in London I spent a lot of time walking along the canals to avoid the busy streets. I learned all the shortcuts across town!

  2. Looks like a great place to walk! What cutie pies!

  3. Silly mom can't remember if she went there. Looks quite interesting
    Lily & Edward

  4. We have a similar place in NYC called the Highline. It's a stretch of elevated train tracks that were renovated with a lovely walking path.

  5. I was going to say-Reminds me of the HighLine, my favorite place in ALL of NYC.
