Friday, August 10, 2012

Pooches: Mr B Thinks We all Look Alike

E and I have a little trick we play on the pooches. If one of us is already out with the dogs, the other will show up, walking right past the pooches, to see how quickly they can recognize us out on the street. Miss M is quick to spot us from afar, but it always takes Mr. B that extra minute where he has to doubletake,  his eyes widening, as he really can't believe it's us.
We don't know if it's because we tease him so much with this game, or just from living in a state of constant bewilderment, but we've realized that Mr. B thinks we all look alike. When we visit E's family, he always ends up following one of his other cousins around thinking it's E. (Imagine his shock when the real E walks by).
And just like a Seinfeld episode, one time Mr. B and I were waiting in the car while E went into the Korean grocery store. Mr. B would get so excited because he thought every Korean guy that walked by in a hat was E.
Do dogs really think all humans look alike?

Also...we're planning on going here this weekend which might cause even more confusion for Mr. B.


  1. We've tried that with Sam and Monty - Sam is ever watchful for us, but Monty would gladly go with who ever would be willing to let him.


  2. Haha, I would love to try this, but Badger and Mushroom don't react much differently to humans who aren't us. If anything, they're MORE excited to see other people.

    I guess our version could be "if they ignore us, then they recognize us".

  3. Too funny! My previous dog used to think petite women were me if she was with someone else. Petey can sense/smell me from about 20-50 feet away.

  4. We've discovered that Wilbur knows us more by scent than sight. If he's in the cockpit when we approach the boat his head goes up and his nose absolutely quivers. One time the wind was blowing away from the boat and he barked at Hans because he couldn't smell him and didn't know who he was. Of course as soon as Hans was right beside the boat Wilbur recognized him and wiggled all over the place.

  5. Oddly, our Bella-boo does mistake other people with our same build, but, she can recognize my car lock honk from the three other same make/model cars that also park behind our building. LOL

  6. Maybe he's nearsighted? I think all humans look alike too when I don't have my glasses on. :-)

  7. Elka only knows one *cough* person of color, and thus every person of such descent that she sees, she expects to be our buddy. She's so disappointed every time!

  8. Our dogs can always spot us, but Polly doesn't realize who we are until we are almost right in front of her!

    PS - that's hilarious about the Korean grocery store! And Mr. B's "Hey! I know you!" face is amazing!

  9. unsurprisingly, Bender is slower to recognise us than Barbie, but she is a sighthound and I think that means she notices details more... Bender just works at a slower pace than she does as well

  10. Hey there, first time commenter, and I really don't wanna start a cat/dog war. :-) BUT, my cats are so smart that when they see me pull in the parking lot, they let the others know (I have 4). Also, the feral cat community I feed, know my car. I can't pull in/out of the parking lot without 3+ cats appearing and asking (begging) for food. Also, they know my schedule and wait for me to leave/arrive at a certain time. Like I said, I don't want to start a breed-war, but my babes are genious!!!

  11. Oh Mr. B you're such a sweetheart.

    Boomer and Dottie have the same problem sometimes. But when they do realize that it's you coming towards them they do their happy dances and sometimes woof a little in excitement.
