Friday, October 26, 2012

Pooches: Photobomb Pooches

Miss M has perfected the art of posing for photos that we often have people stopping us and marveling how Miss M actually does sit and model each time I take out the camera.
Which has also caused her to become a photobomber. Any time we try to try to take out the camera we now have Miss M hopping in front and striking a pose.

Like this photo we were trying to take of former foster dog Bella:

Or the time she just happened to appear when I was trying to take a photo of Mr B laying on his stuffie in his tepee:
Sneaking into my photo of the flowers:
But then we realized someone else has been doing a bit of photobombing of his own:
And popping up in his little green hoodie:
Has anyone else's pup perfected the art of photobombing?

In case you missed it:
Miss M models


  1. Monty lately has been really good at photo bombing Sam - he suddenly (after two years, seriously?) realized that he gets treats when he poses for the camera...


  2. We used to have a cat that would run to be in pictures! She would get so excited every time she would see a camera! Sadly, the other cats feel the opposite.

  3. Neither one of our dogs photo bombs, but I am pretty sure Laci is related to "Big Foot" since every photo I take of her is blurry.

  4. I just love these 2... Such characters...

  5. I had a foster dog named Bruce--picture ordinary yellow lab body with an enormous Chow head--who loved attention. He saw picture-taking as attention. My photo Christmas card the year I fostered him was my small shepherd on the bed with Bruce standing over him and putting his face into the camera in his eagerness to be in the shot. They were actually the same size of dog, but you'd never know it from the photo.

    I actually put "and Bruce, who is available for adoption" in the text printed on the card, and we got applications for Bruce from that. You just never know who knows someone who is looking to adopt a dog.

  6. HAHA! This cracks me up!

  7. I love the picture of Miss M with the flowers!

  8. We have the anti-photobomb dogs. The cameras come out, and suddenly, where are the dogs?

  9. Oh I just love the picture with the flowers! Adorable.

    I get a lot of lurking Border Collie pictures. Sometimes I don't even notice he's there until I've opened the photo up in the editor. Too funny.

  10. Not as a ritual, but I remember when we first fostered Taylor I kept trying to get cute pictures of her and formerly photo-shy Braylon ended up ruining every single one!

  11. P.S. Mr. B looks the best with his hood up!

  12. OMG the green hoodie shot - just perfect!
