Friday, November 2, 2012

Pooches: Dog's Eye View of the Northalsted Halloween Parade

Still daylight, the pooches race to the evening parade
Remember how we said Halloween lasts an entire week in Chicago? This year's final Halloween event for the pooches was attending (and walking in!) the Northalsted Halloween Parade on Halloween evening. This adult-themed costume extravaganza throughout the Boystown neighborhood featuring: Miss Foozi, fire juggling, character bands, crazy costumes that you thought you'd only see on TV...and a pet parade to start it off!
We have heard that watching videos of pets actually improves productivity, so check out  Mr. B's eyeview video camera meeting people and walking in the Halloween parade.



  1. I love your videos. You always add the cutest music and take the time to edit it so that it all flows so nicely. You guys rock.

  2. Mr. B is so stinkin in cute!
