Friday, March 1, 2013

Mr. B: The Kissing Bandit

We all know Miss M is the outgoing one of the duo, but no one ever suspects our calm, stoic Mr B has an alter ego...."The Kissing Bandit".
Mr. B who will usually just stand around, and not go in for the petting. But once a face is within kissing distance, he goes in with a single swipe of the tongue.
Somehow, it seems my face is always within smooching distance.
or just close enough for the Kissing Bandit to strike again.
One thing we noticed about our little Kissing Bandit, while he is quick to dole out the smooches, he is not very fond of receiving them: 
Does anyone else have a Kissing Bandit in your midst?

Live Action Kissing Bandit (The first video is our favorite!)
Best New Year's Kiss Surprise (Our most popular photo, ever!)


  1. With his tongue, Mugsy is most definitely a kissing Bandit. We say "I love you" to him and show him our ear and he will go in for some smooches. I have no idea where he came up with the idea that ear licking is something we want but it has stuck and that's how he shows affection. You can tell when he is mad at us cause we will tell him "I love you" and he will turn his head away and refuse to show us the love. What a jerk

  2. These pictures made me giggle...Seriously, giggle. Chortle, even. We have a kissing bandit, too: Stella. In that first shot, Miss M looks disdainful. She's the cute canine counterpart to Tardar [sic] Sauce, the Grumpy Cat. <3

  3. Oh Gosh, we do we do! Chocko is such a smoocher! It's annoying sometimes, so we try to teach him to limit it to one quick smooch,...we know not everyone wants to get a bath when they come over, but he would gladly provide one!

  4. Melvin doles out the kisses although often time I feel like he's trying to scour for left over lunch or dinner tastes! He's the same way as Mr. B when it comes to being kissed, he often turns his head at me!

  5. Nigel and Maggie too!! Happy to give face baths but we get a look kind of like "Um, no thanks, sell your kisses somewhere else" when we try. Maggie's a little more indulgent and Nigel used to do this thing where he would go to bite you after you smooch him! Luckily, he's getting over that!

  6. LOVE the look on Miss M's face in the first one

  7. We have what I call a drive by kisser. Kingston will kiss your face if it's close but if he's walking by you on the couch he'll randomly come up and lick your hand then walk away. He does that to our guests and we joke that he's just making sure everyone is still the same as when he left the room.

  8. CUTE! Chick is definitely a kissing bandit. More notably though when you have crumbs on your face ;)

  9. Of all of the commands, I would say that "kisses" is Murphy's favorite and best. If you are within reaching distance he will kiss you.

  10. LOL! I have more than kissing bandit.. It is my girl Emma's goal in life to completely clean your face! She is definitely obsessed. She will gladly receive kisses as well because that puts your face closer to hers, then bam! She's got you again.. . Lol

  11. Our little pittie Meg is definitely a kissing bandit especially when babies are involved.

  12. Sasha loves to give kisses, but she does not like to cuddle much :)

  13. Aww we would love some pibble sugars from mr B!

    Pibble sugars
    The pittie pack
