Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dog Gear: Mr B's View of the Pride Parade

While we are all attending the same events, we are always curious about how the pups' views differ from what we see. Since then, Mr. B has gotten into photography and he has started documenting how he views the world. 
Mr. B took his camera out to last weekend's Pride Parade where he captured the parade from his view. E also added images from his camera from the human view, and they collaborated to make this mash-up of the parade with the dogs complete with catchy soundtrack. 
Can you tell what parts Mr. B filmed and what parts E filmed?
My favorite parts are seeing the pooches get 'beaded' by people in the parade, seeing Miss M's train of thought as she actually watches the parade, close-up of a hairy chest and being used as a pillow and public.
And check out what the girl holding the banner at  3:37 does.
Watch the video here:
We also have a recap of the pups and their friends at this year's parade here.
Mr B wears his camera on a Go Pro chest mount (the chesty) strapped to his back. E also hacked a front mount to wear the camera on his chest. We wrote more about Mr. B's camera here. 
What was your favorite part of the video? 
Miss M thinks she didn't get enough footage
In case you missed it:


  1. Looks like Madame Butterfly LOVED all the attention! Mr. B looks dapper as ever. I love that you take them to "mingle" with the crowd. Too Cute!!!

  2. Good choice w/the crown Miss M! Mr. B looks so sweet in his hat! Love the music! Great choice!

  3. We have a feeling every buddy knows you around town
    Benny & Lily

  4. I love the kisses Mr. B was giving out!! If I knew that I would have been there! I also loved around 3:00 where Miss M was wondering why no one was stopping by to pet her.

  5. Great video! I love watching Mr. B's view of the action:D

  6. Love Mr. B in his dapper hat and Miss M as the Princess Butterfly interacting with the crowd! So funny when people were giving them beads. :)
