Friday, October 11, 2013

Pooches: Cute Aggression

Lately, we've realized we all are afflicted by a phenomenon: "cute aggression"
Detailed by a graduate student and a psychologist from Yale University, this syndrome means whenever you see something cute you have the sudden, uncontrollable urge to squeeze it.
A and I tend to focus our cuteness aggression on different pooches.
A cannot stand Miss M's cuteness and she loves to squeeze, pinch and pull on Miss M's floppy jowls. We have seen and heard of others that seem to have the same urge when they meet Miss M or just see a picture of her.
A also has an uncontrollable urge to play with Miss M's bottom lip and even has the urge to pull her bottom lip.
Most of my cuteness aggression is focused on Mr. B. Whenever he is laying around, I like to hug him or when his cuteness is too much I try to cuddle with him and squeeze the cuteness out of him.
Whenever he is standing around I love to give him a loving pat on the head and on our daily walks I cannot resist smacking his tiny buttocks.
Much to Mr. B's dismay, Miss M's cuteness aggression is also focused on the lovable Mr. B. She cannot help herself whenever she sees Mr. B laying so cutely in a bed.
She is so overwhelmed by his cuteness that she must smother the cuteness.
Mr. B suffers from cuteness aggression with his stuffys. He loves to squeeze and smoosh and sometimes nibble on his incredibly cute stuffys.

Has anyone else been experiencing 'cuteness aggression'?
Cuteness agression in action here and here!
Because this is also in his DNA. (Can you blame us?)

Check our Facebook page for more photos, comments, and storylines beyond the blog


  1. I totally understand that! Whenever I see them, I have to do the same thing to miss M's cheeks and Mr. B's man muzz! My dog I'm sure, also gets annoyed with me because I cannot keep my hands off his jowels :)

  2. I have it too! My pittie has pretty loose skin on her neck and I love to just shove my face in it and cuddle. It's so soft and squishy! I also think the big fat pink pads on her feet are the cutest thing in the world.

  3. Totally agree... I often wonder what my cats thing when I pick them up, squeeze them and smother them with kisses.

  4. I love to snuggle with Rosie when she is sleeping. I will just curl up around her until she gets annoyed and moves.

  5. Hi my name is Tracey and I have Cute Agression issues, please don't heal me!

  6. Yes! My pups are so cute I want to squeeze, kiss and love on them to pieces! Mr. B and Miss M are irresistible, too! Thanks for the incredibly sweet and fun post!

  7. Absolutely! I'm a squeezer! I have also been known to nibble on occasion, especially on my rottie's super soft ears! She doesn't LOVE it but seems to think if it makes me happy, fine ;) I'm glad to hear I am not the only one, this seems to be human & dg nature! The pics, btw, are so CUTE! Grrrrr!!! hehe

  8. Thank you for this post. The overwhelming cuteness just made my day!

  9. Haha, I get this with my pups for sure but they always seem to enjoy the attention. The worst is with the cat though. She is always so dang cute, especially when she's asleep. I can't handle it, I want to bury my face in her fur and she does not approve:(

  10. Oh My Lord... I'm so guilty! I'm constantly smooshing Boomer and Dottie's faces and trying to snuggle with them!

  11. Guilty as charged! How can I resist those extra cute pittie bits?

  12. We know what you mean. She squeezes up to tight. Love the pictures of you two
    Benny & Lily

  13. So that's what our humans suffer there a cure for it?

  14. I got for the cuddle and squeeze :)

  15. omg that was like the cutest post.

  16. i always feel the need to pinch trial and judge's hauches they are just so cute and muscley. also judge has the best jowley neck and trial has thesse awesome boxer lips im always torturing the poor boys by grabbing at them but i know they secretly love it.

  17. I am so guilty of this with our two pups! And yes, I want to do this every time I see a new picture of Mr B & Miss M too!

  18. This is awesome! Cuteness aggression runs rampant at our house!

    Emily @ Our Waldo Bungie

  19. Oh I just love the our foster dog Koa's wrinkles. He just has so much of it. He's also extraordinarily soft so we can't help but all rub and snuggle on him. Luckily he doesn't mind and try to snuggle all the rubs out of us too.
