Things have been a little crazy this week, so we are posting some of our older posts. Once we catch up with our school stuff, we will be back to writing new posts.
Dogs are natural den animals; they love having a solitary, intimate space. But, these "dens" can be an eyesore. When we got our 2 big pitties we also got 2 big pittie crates. As the dogs were getting used to us, and the house, they did need the crates to be kept out of trouble and they were useful.

Unfortunately, we also found that Mr. B. had an
anxiety problem. We put him in the crate when we left, but left the door open knowing he would run around the house when we were gone. And we were still left with this eyesore of a crate.

We tried to think of other more attractive options for Mr. B's denning needs. That's when a teepee made perfect sense.

I had seen this photo in an old issue of Domino; it is the actual living room of Domino editor Dara Caponigro. Yes, it's a teepee. But if it's good enough to be in the actual living room of a Domino editor, it can be good enough for Mr. B. Just imagine this nice, serene living room with a big meaty pitbull head popping out of that teepee.

I found
this one online. I like that it's white. It has clean lines. And even though it's a teepee, it is kind of classy. It's held up by the poles, so it can take up as much, or as little, of the 5 foot diameter as necessary. And most importantly, Mr. B loves it. He took to it just as we were setting it up in the middle of the room. Miss M., on the other hand, not so much. It kind of freaked her out, but I did catch her sneaking in there later in the night.

How neat is that!! My dogs would love it.
My momma was just telling my dad about Mr. B's teepee yesterday and how neat it is. But we didn't know why he has a teepee and Miss M has a crate. And now we know! Whew! That's one mystery cleared up.
Wiggles & Wags,
Hi Mr. B,
Now that's what we call a cool pad! And with a view too!
Tell mommy, she's doing a fabulous job decorating your new condo. We luv it!
Riley and Star.
I have always wondered about the teepee too. I wish I could get a teepee for Noelle - I think she'd love it. But the foster dogs would destroy it rather quickly I'm afraid. So I'll wait until they start giving away teepees with every purchase of dog food...then I'll stock up and be set! :-)
That's a great idea. Thanks for sharing it. I think that cat would take it over though if we made our own.
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