I always remember an episode of 'Sex and the City' where they said the reason Charlotte wasn't meeting men was because she wasn't "out there", and it is only by going out and doing things that she would stumble upon her perfect match.
Since we've had Wilma, we've applying this same philosophy to have her "out there" so she can meet her future family.
In the past couple days we've taken Wilma out on the town hitting up some of the hottest spots in Chicago. Dressed in this pink camouflage bandanna--which can also be dipped in water to keep cool--and is a great conversation starter:
Wicker Park is a vibrant neighborhood teaming with boutiques, outdoor dining, and doglovers. Just walking down the street we meet a ton of people.

The have opened a lot of fun stores and boutiques on this strip which has been a huge draw for people. I like window shopping at this boutique:
Le Dress. They only sell dresses and have one of the broadest ranges of dresses in all of Chicago. Just the other day they were even taping a segment for the Oprah Winfrey show here. We especially like it because they are nice enough to leave bowls of water out for the dogs.

There are also tons of restaurants with outdoor dining where people gawk at the pooches.
The Boundary always has people sipping cocktails and flowing out the patio at all times of the day (except for when I took this photo at 7 am). There are also a constant flow of people at
Moonshine all day and
Milk & Honey Cafe for brunch. The food at these restaurants is just mediocre, but Chicagoans will pay a premium to sit outside on a sunny sidewalk, surrounded by flowers, to people and dog watch. Walking by, we've met a ton of people who are curious about the dogs.
We mentioned before, one of the hottest new restaurants in town is a place called
Big Star.The space is actually a former gas station, but it is always packed. People will wait up to 3 hours just to eat and drink on this patio. The big draw is the menu is cheap and it was developed by the famous chef who runs fancy, high-profile restaurants like
Blackbird, avec, and
the Publican, but here you can sample these chefs' talents for a mere $3. They developed a menu of fusion tacos that are unlike anything you've tried at any Taqueria: al pastor tacos with pineapple, lamb tacos with goat cheese, and the biggest draw is the pork belly taco. The best part is they actually have a take out window where you can buy the tacos in mere minutes rather than waiting hours for the patio. Wilma received a lot of attention at Big Star, then we headed out to picnic with our tacos at
Wicker Park's park.
Wicker Park park is a great urban community park complete with fountain,
Sunday morning Farmers Market, pick-up soccer games, and lots of people picnicking and enjoying the sun.

Wilma had a great time hanging out:

Wilma was able to sit nicely at the park while we enjoyed our meal; a feat
not all dogs are able to do. This dog kept peering around the tree to check us out.

After tacos in the park, we took Wilma to check out the gelateria:
Black Dog Gelato. This much-hyped spot is worth the visit serving unique flavors like: Goat Cheese Cashew Caramel, Mexican Hot Chocolate, Whiskey Bacon, and Sesame Fig Chocolate Chip. I had a cup of the Cucumber Rosewater Sorbet which was so amazing and refreshing that I'm still having cravings for it.
We met lots of people; we're not sure if any of them are Wilma's future family, but at least she got "out there".
Wilma will also be at this weekend's Angels with Tails adoption event in the West Loop. The event showcases dogs from rescues throughout the Chicago area. We will be with the Project Rescue group at the Fedex at Madison and Sangamon.