With all the great restaurants and shopping in Chicago, that we are "forced" to walk by each day
on our daily walk, it is often tempting to leave the pooches tied up outside to grab a quick ice-cream, coffee, or even look around a store. Some places even make it really convenient to just leave your pooch:

While this can be really tempting, there has been a huge problem in the city with stolen dogs. I used to be really naive to the idea that a person could actually steal a dog, but since I've lived here I've become privy to the fact that there are a couple of reasons people are taking the dogs:
1) They're stealing purebred dogs and reselling them for profit
2) People steal pitbulls for breeding or fighting
3) Any type of dog can be stolen as a "bait dog" to train a fighting dog
4) And I saw this HBO(?) special a couple of years ago where people were stealing dogs to sell for medical testing. They had this undercover camera that followed this guy who was earning $15 a head for the dogs. He was even going into people's backyards and stealing their pets.
Here are a couple of pooches I saw tied up the other day. Even though there are so many people walking by, think how easily you can grab this little guy:

This dog was really sweet and trusting. It came up to us and we were petting it with no owner in sight:

And who wouldn't want this well-behaved pooch. He could be yours if you just unclip the latch and hook him onto your own leash:

With our pitties, and knowing the type of terrible things that could happen if they landed in the wrong hands, we never leave them alone. Even if they're just hanging out on the deck, which is in the back and on an upper-level, we won't leave them alone. E actually had a bike stolen from the deck, left unguarded for a mere 20 minutes, so we know how stealthily predators can work.

The worst part is dog thefts have gone beyond the streets. The thieves are now breaking into peoples' homes, and taking dogs as part of the "loot". There have been a couple of robberies in our area; the dogs stolen are mainly smaller purebred dogs which I'm guessing they're selling for profit. One guy was lucky enough to "rebuy" his French Bulldog on Craigslist.
This is my biggest fear; if our pitties are stolen, it can only mean terrible things. And after watching several episodes of the show
It Takes a Thief--a reality show about 2 former robbers who effortlessly defy burglar alarms to rob houses--it really makes me wonder if our place is secure enough.