I like working near the window and I sit on the cushion and have my dueling computers set up around me. Unfortunately this makes me really attractive to the pooches as they have tried numerous attempts to sit in my lap, and Miss M. has even tried to usurp her pillow back and take over the dueling computers.
So I send the dogs to bed awhile, but then I feel bad because I know how much Mr. B. likes to watch TV so I let them out again. Then I start wondering what Mr. B. is looking at and I start looking out the window with him.

It's this extensive process where you need to analyze every single thing you do, explain it, and provide evidence. It doesn't sound too bad at first, but then you realize you only get 6 months to complete it and you need to demonstrate nearly a year's worth of work, all while teaching 150 students at the same time. Plus, it makes you feel really bad about yourself. My only comparison is this: there used to be a show on Discovery(?) about a man who met different tribes and tried their customs. One custom was to take this drug that unleashed all the repressed memories and you were forced to face every single terrible thing you've done in your life. That's kind of what this process is like. I need to analyze all the things I normally do, and I'm suddenly feeling very inadequate. But this is all the "process" we take to make ourselves better teachers. And I do enjoy pain. I have to take the test in June, but then I don't find out my scores until November. This will probably be the last post you read about this. And here is Miss M. where she finally decides to sit nicely next to me while I'm working.
Yay for almost being finished! Just think, soon all that work will be a distant memory ... The dogs are always a major distraction for me too - I know I could never work from home full-time. At least they're cute!
To me, it looks like Miss M is willing to do your typing for you!
Stay focused! You are almost done! Sometimes it's good to have a wittle distration from life and responsibilities anyways. and who better to do that for woooo, but Miss M and Mr. B?...
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
When you are finished you can write a children's book along the lines of "If You Give a Moose a Muffin", or If You Give a Mouse a Cookie". You've already written this material to work with:
"Then I start wondering what Mr. B. is looking at and I start looking out the window with him.
Then I see Miss M. laying in "pray" position and all of a sudden I want to mark that behavior and start dog training.
And when Mr. B. is sleeping in front of me like this I get the sudden urge to tickle his feet.
And when Mr. B. gets up to smell the flowers it reminds me I need to add water to them"
Not sure what the title would be, but I bet you can come up with something clever: If You __________.
And when she sits nicely like that next to you, you can't help but want to scratch her head or ears or something can you?!
Congrats on almost being finished!
I do believe that your dogs have completely tag teamed you. That Miss M. is a devious one, getting Mr. B to do her dirty distraction work.
Congratulations on your progress so far and keep up the excellent work.
My dad works from home and he has us all on schedule. I thinks that is prolly the only way he could get anything done! My mom could never works from home cuz she'd be distracted by us, too. But then, my mom is Most Easily distracted.
I think your students are very lucky that you are willing to go through all this stuffs to make yourself an even better teacher!
Wiggles & Wags,
At least you have a very very cute companions to distract you! Wow test in June... results in November! That seems like more torture!!!! Good LUCK!
Working from home can be a challenge... I'm lucky enough to be able to tune things out and if the dogs want to sit in my lap they can, since they are only 6 and 12 pounds.
Good luck, stay focused!!!!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Good luck! You're almost done!
Tho i haven't tried to work from home, just trying to stay home sick is enough for me. When I've stayed home sick to try and rest, Darwin wants to play and she climbs on me on the couch or licks my face or shoves a toy in my face... it's not really conducive to getting sleep and fighting a cold. But she's so cute you can't really stay mad! :)
Sounds like you're going through a lot to be a Master Teacher, but I think it's fantastic that you are! And, um, maybe Mr. B and Miss M are just trying to help in their own pittie kinda way! :)
It must be hard trying to work with such distractions, but they are very good distractions.
those sweet faces
that first photo almost started a slobber attack on the screen
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack
oh I feel your pain. They are so distracting when trying to work from home and sitting on the floor is a lost cause at our place
Feel bad about yourself? For attempting this? Being an educator and responsible for 150 minds at a time? We're proud of you!!!
Thanks for sharing your daily "routine" My mom empathizes
My momma used to do the work at home a lot but once PeeWee got mature enough not to be in his crate she found it too distracting. Sigh. I miss her.
it looks like you are very talented working with two laptops at one time..BOL
Benny & Lily
but doggies are more funsies!!
ouchies. mama just thwacked me. :(
okay okay. we hope you finish strong! you can do it!!
(and then you can play with miss m and mr. b. heehee.)
the booker man
Miss M, good on you for allowing your Mum to use your chair so that she can type! Love that downward look on your mouth - looks like you need a hug!
Almost done!! That is usually when I get distracted the easiest. It wouldn't matter where I was tho, home with the pups or at the coffee shop!
Hang in there...and blogging is for venting..vent when needed..:-)
You definitely shouldn't feel bad about yourself. This is why only 3% have this degree. They're the few that stuck with the program till the end. Even if their adorable dogs tried to tease them away. (And if Miss M insists on taking your seat, maybe she should take the exam!) Hang in there; you'll be fine!
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