Miss M loves to
dress up; yesterday she was able to start the season early at
DoggyStyle's Halloween Parade of Hounds party. The pooches gathered at DoggyStyle to prepare for their costume parade:

There was a banana:

A trio of chickens:

This former Katrina dog, a Bassethound, Corgi, Lab mix, came as a scarecrow:

And of course Miss M. mugging for the camera:

After the parade, the pooches came back to DoggyStyle for some snacks and games. Those cupcakes were actually for the dogs. They also had bobbing for tennis balls, but Miss M. couldn't understand the concept and kept trying to drink the water instead.

The party was so exciting, when we got home Miss M. passed out still wearing her costume:

Meanwhile, poor Mr. B. was "stood up". He was waiting patiently in his
tepee, all dressed up in his new turtle costume, for E. to come get him. Unfortunately, E's school meeting ran overtime so, sadly, poor Mr. B. was left behind.
All dressed up and no place to go.
Halloween in March?! That sounds so pawsome! and you look rather stunning if I may say so myself, pink tutu and all!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Those are great costumes. Miss M is beautiful as always.
Miss M makes quite a cute ballerina. Love the pink tutu... Darwin probably would've ripped it to shreds.
Poor Mr B. He looks so sad to have missed out on the fun!
Ms M is quit possibly the cutest ballerina I've ever seen!!!!!
POOOR Mr B... at lest he's a good boy and didn't try to chew off his costume! I still love the teepee!!!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Poor Mr. B, not only do you get picked on but you get left out.
Awww...is there anything cuter in this world than a turtle in a teepee? But I'm sorry he didn't get to go. Sure looks like Miss M was the belle of the ball, though!
Wiggles & Wags,
oh, i feel so badly for mr. b! he needs a good cuddle. poor boy...the costume is so cute, too. did you bring him home a cupcake at least?
miss m looks lovely in her costume. booker definitely wouldn't understand the bobbing for apples either and would have slurped up all the water just like miss m. ha!
I so cannot believe ya'll have the same costumes as we do. Except Haleigh Anne wore the tutu (little girls dress up in Target?) last year and the Turle/Frog (Target?) this year.
I keep them around when I need a good laugh but she is such a poor sport about it!
I'm with @thebookerman! I know dogs don't know the difference but I feel so bad for Mr. B!
They look super cute :)
Poor Mr. B...But there is always this year right???
Miss M rocks that tutu!!
Aw, that's sad that he was left behind. It doesn't look like he minded too much, but it's still sad. He and Ms. M look adorable in their costumes!
Poor Mr. B... left behind. :(
But he makes such a cute turtle! sigh
I love it when the doggies want to dress up and Miss M is a prime example. Awesome. As for poor Mr B...tsk tsk poor little crock. What a fun event. Can I have a banana?
Miss M, I could stare at the first picture all day long. Then smooch on your nose!!
Poor Mr. B! I'm sure he was dying to show off his turtle costume and everything.
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