Whenever we take the dogs out for a walk, someone will inevitably ask if they are twins. Despite being completely different breeds, we realized that they have started to morph into a single dog.

I think just by living together they've become kind of like a married couple who starts having a physical resemblance. Now I understand how the second dog is supposed to follow the Alpha dog's lead. But in this case, I think Mr. B has taken
his stalking to a new level as he is constantly mimicking Miss M:

Which given her
circus dog tricks should be a good thing. But instead of picking up her good habits, he's just picking up the annoying ones. Like looking miserable:

Waking us up each morning:

And looking miserable in unison:

Does this happen with most paired dogs? Or is Mr. B. really a stalker: Single Blue Male?
At least yours are different breeds! Ours look similar enough that we get asked a lot if they are siblings, which they definitely are not. We do consider them mirror twins though. They will almost always lay the exact same way with one on the couch and the other on the loveseat. It's freaky!
Heehee. I am an expert stalker. But I like to stalk birds!!
Holy crap, that is so freaking adorable! Mina would love to snorgle with Celeste, but Celeste will have none of that. Sometimes, she won't even SIT next to Mina!
That is so cute! I love the first looking miserable pic with their arms crossed!
Darwin's an only child (at the moment) so I cant say if that's normal, but it's awfully cute!
Awww...it looks like they are becoming conjoined doggies. I wish my Brudder Ranger would lets me snuggle with him like that. But he's very much into "personal space." (Sometimes I sneak in some cuddling when he's too tired to care.) Oh, and I wouldn't mind a stalker if he looked like Mr. B!
Wiggles & Wags,
omg- the looking miserable pics are hilARious!
You are never going to believe this, but people used to ask if Mickey & Kayloo were related. ???!!! Now that Kayloo is much bigger it doesn't happen, but that used to make me laugh.
Mickey has started doing some of Kayloo's things- he has even started cocking his head (not as crazy as Kayloo, mind you, but still). He has also figured out that because Kayloo is such a sap she gets lots of attention on our walks, so Mickey has learned to be a bit sweeter so he gets some of the love too.
he he he....while my two are completely different colors, they do tend to synchronize things. Pooping for example. A lot of times on our walks they will do synchronized pooping. Makes it easy to pick it up all in one bag at one time. I especially like it when this happens and unsuspecting people see it happen. I tell them that I trained the dogs to do that. I just love the look of shocked amazement on their faces.:)
Looking miserable looks so CUTE! Mack and Mia are inseperable too, but they are total opposites! Mack is all sorts of crazy and cooky and Mia is laid back! They snuggle sometimes though...when no one is looking...
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
aww we love the pic of him waking you up
is'nt it adorable to be woken up by THAT face.
OUR lucky ish definately stalking the bella . they are like joined at the hip and guero TRIES to stalk coco chanel but she's grumpy at gets tired of him following him around AND she lets him know it
people always ask if Mesa and Baily are twins :)
Oh, it's just too funny! They are two peas in a pod. A very BIG pod!
People are forever asking if Louis and Napoleon are brothers, despite the size difference (or I get the mom and puppy question ... um, yeah).
But yup, they're always moving, moping, sleeping, and posing in unison, too. :)
awww, they are BFF's. :)
asa and booker like to snooze in the sun together, but definitely not touching...unless asa is cold; then she'll cuddle.
as everyone else has mentioned, the looking miserable pics are so stinking adorable. love them!
*nose kisses to miss m and mr. b*
the booker man and asa's mama
Hahaha! You guys are reel cuute togethur!
I love the pics of them laying on the same bed looking like a two headed dog.
Just too cute!
The two of them snuggled up on the bed together is adorable - we love your doggies!
At first glance you both look so similar. Luckily on second the breeds become clearer. The synchronization is precious
i love all of these pictures...not only are they twins, they're soulmates! :)
The looking miserable thing is breed specific - my second name is "Mister-Moody-Mac-Moodyson"... It drives my hoomans insane! Especially when I look like that after a swim at the beach, long walk, big bone or chicken wing... :)
Slobbers Teal'c
I think Mr. B. just wants to be totally cool like his sissy. I, myself, do not do anything like stupid PeeWee.
I think the tag team pathetic look is a really powerful tool.
Oh they are just lovely. Totally in sync. have a great day guys xx major
My two beagles do not look related to me but countless people have asked if they are litter mates. Ruby is a blanket tri-colour beagle and Oscar is the more traditional looking tri-colour - Maybe it's just an attempt to make pleasant conversation or a way of admiring the dogs!! I find it funny!
Yes they do look great together, I do get the odd dogs in that snuggle. but usually they all lie in different places.
Ha! I get that same exact wake up call every morning. We stayed at my mom's house one night last week and her husband apologized for not having a spare alarm clock. I told him I brought a four-legged one with me. Not sure he believed it would work but of course, it did :)
We have six siblings and though they look a lot alike, their personalities are so different that people don't believe they're brothers and sisters.
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