So, remember how we said Miss M. gave us some
clues about her past life? We also found out that she is really into alcohol, and I think she even used to drink it in her old home.
Back when I lived in the Lincoln Square neighborhood, they used to have Octoberfest twice a year. People were drinking all weekend, and when we took our walk around the square Miss M. would smell the beer and freak out. She would stare hard at people and try to jump up and get their beer steins. And when she was still new, she literally tried to drink a glass of wine when we were at a friend's house.
Since we figured out her habit, we have worked to keep our wine away from her little webbed feet.

We aren't big drinkers, but we like to keep wine on hand for cooking,
concerts and picnics at Millennium Park, and for our favorite BYOB restaurants in the city. Our favorite is this $4 Pinot Grigio from Trader Joe's:

It's really light and we like to keep it for cooking. Since
the pooches' treat bar takes up counter storage space:

We used a coupon and recently picked up
these cellar wine racks from CB2 to free up some room. The racks are actually much lighter than they look, but we thought they looked nice. It's probably not good to store wine so high up, but we didn't think it could do that much damage to our Trader Joe's collection.

With the pooches, we also decided to trade out our traditional stemmed wine glasses for
these stemless glasses. We were actually able to get a good deal at the Crate and Barrel outlet. We like these glasses because they have a better center of gravity, and they are much harder for the pooches to knock over intentionally, or with "happy tail".
Here is Miss M. pretending she's kicked the habit:

We haven't noticed any problems with Mr. B. and alcohol, but are most dogs just naturally attracted to the smell?
Molly likes beer. It started when The Hubs's college roommates were messing around and gave her some (ah college guys ...). Now she fixates on it whenever it's around. It's actually really funny.
Yes I think most dogs like wine and beer, but it is not good for them, I have had a drunk dog and although it is funny to see, it is nice to get them sober again.
Well, I think you knows I LUVS beer! And I also LUVS wine. But (sigh) the pawrents only let me have a taste after they're finished and there's nothing really left in the glass. That's okay. I'll take what I can get. Brudder Ranger doesn't care two woofs about alky-hol. But my pawrents knows some peoples who have to watch their Rhodesian Ridgeback around margaritas cuz he'll slurp one up befores you know it!
Wiggles & Wags,
My old airedale loved wine. If you left a glass in snooter reach he would have his big old tongue in there before you knew it. He didn't care for beer.
Mango Momma
I personally have never had the pleasure of trying any beer or wine, but I have had a few laps of my boys mink in the morning. He is not very careful where he leaves his glass so it works out for me!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Hi guys it's Bella!
When I was about a year old mom and dad threw a party. They had this barrel thing in the backyard that smelled really cool. Well I figured out that if I sat next to it and looked really sad that people would give me a squirt of what was inside it. This was until mom saw me and put me to bed. I was a little stumbly by then, lol. Now they have to guard the bottle and cans they have by the pool in the summertime. I will knock them over just to get to what they call beer. It sure is tasty but mom says it's bad for me and will only let me have a little mixed with my water. Yummy!
Boxer snuggles!
I've heard about a lot of dogs who like beer but I grew up in a completely alcohol free home so I never saw it first hand. However the other day my daughter had a friend over and somehow Duncan managed to inhale an entire glass of wine. Considering what a klutz he is, the fact that he didn't knock it over is more surprising than the fact he drank it. Needless to say he fell fast asleep. Too bad wine is bad for them or we'd give him a glass every night!!!
Miss M would make a lovely sommelier.
Our Rusty loves wine - he's been known to sneak a little from our wine glasses too. Our old foster, Nigel LOVED beer, he'd try and lick it off the bottles!
However, we don't make it a habit to give it to them! At Urbanimal they sell doggie beer (I think they have both chicken and beef flavor!).
Princess is not a fan of beer or wine...to the point where we think she either was abused by people who drank too much or forced it on her or something. If we accidentally put a glass near her she turns up her nose and gets away quickly.
I have an issue with stemless wine glasses, they just don't seem right to me. I love TJs wine though! We have BevMo here and stock up during their 5 cent sale.
I can picture Miss M as a beer dog :)
I drink wine out of paper cups. Okay, I'm only kidding. I don't know if my crew likes wine; I've never seen them try to drink any from my glass. I tend to hog it all. But I have a feeling they'd be more than happy to share! :)
I generally opt for the uber-classy mug to drink my wine out of. I can tell you're impressed :)
Farley loves beer, but has never tried wine. We really like your stemless wine glasses, very cool :)
asa snagged a sip of wine from a spill once, but she immediately turned her schnoz up at it. booker hasn't shown any interest at this point, but i'm sure if he had an opportunity, he'd give alcohol a try. ha.
the booker man and asa's mama
Slightly off subject here, our pig used to down beer like there was no tomorrow. Then she'd fall over on her side and grunt
its eighter time for an intervention or time to invite ush over
you decide miss M
pibblesugars and wee wags
the houston pittie pack
We are also fans of the stemless glasses! Thank goodness Dory and Bilbo haven't developed a taste for wine. Mostly because we are sure that Bilbo would demand the good stuff!
I had to laugh at the treats on the counter. Our counter looks similar. Sometimes I ask "do we really need six different kinds of dog treats?" he answer is yes, of course we do. So what if they use up a large amount of the counter?
My boxer loved beer when she was young and would tip over cans to get it. When she got older, around 13, she switched to Scotch.
Our rescued greyhound was tall with a long nose. One night I turned my back (for a second) on a very full vodka gimlet in a long stemmed martini glass. A second later, there he was snarfing the entire cocktail.
Lesson learned - protect the booze from the booze (grey) hounds.
My pit mix Ruby LOVES wine and beer. And I also had to switch to stemless after she broke one of my expensive, wedding gift Crate & Barrel glasses. *Sometimes* I let her lick the rim of my beer bottle after I'm finished. And she loves to slurp up the last bits of red wine that cling to the side of the glass. I figure it's about 1/8 teaspoon so it won't hurt.
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