Friday, January 7, 2011

Pooches: The Story of Shy

I've always wondered what our dogs' lives were like before they came to live with us. Knowing how much Miss M loves people, it kills me to think of her going from living in a home, to being unwanted and forced to live isolated in crate at the city pound with limited human interaction.We know she had a happy ending, but it's especially hard to see dogs who thrive on human interaction not able to live in a home.
Our friend Heather is a third-year veterinary student at the University of Illinois, who has had the privilege of working with many animals. She was especially taken by this sweet special-needs pitbull who desperately needs a foster or adoptive home. Shy had a hard life, but has been rehabilitated and has been living at the vet's office for the past 4 months. She is a staff favorite, thrives on human attention, and just wants a family to love.
 Here is a bit more of Shy's story:
She came to the animal hospital weighing 30 pounds - completely emaciated, we could see every rib, every bone on her body.  Her haircoat was thinning and very dull looking - hair would just fall out whenever you touched her. She had undiagnosed diabetes and her previous owners relinquished her to the animal hospital.  Incredibly, she was super sweet despite how horrible she was probably feeling at the time.  After a few weeks at the animal hospital, she had gained 15 pounds, was put on insulin and a healthy diet, and her haircoat became super shiny red and back to normal.  Sadly, because she is diabetic, she developed cataracts secondary to the diabetes - she has lost some vision because of it and her vision may continue to decrease - but amazingly, she barely realizes it.  Her attitude and mood haven't changed because of her loss of sight and she is still the happy, sweet little girl that she was when she came in.  She has been living at the animal hospital in the kennel for four months and she really needs to get out into the world and exist with people again.  She has become a staff favorite at the animal hospital, but we are having a very difficult time finding her a home because of her special needs.  She also cannot be homed with cats (which is the reason why I can't take her) -but is fine with dogs her size or larger.
It's so heartbreaking to hear of animals who have had such a rough start to life, but can still remain so resilient, happy and loving. We were hoping to use our contacts here to see if anyone might know of a foster home.
We've been speaking to some rescues in our area, who are unfortunately full. We know of one rescue in the Chicagoland area who would accept her if she can find a foster home. We were hoping to do this; however, we don't think Miss M can have another female in the house for more than a few months, and if anything happened I think it would be much worse for Shy to go back to boarding after being in a home.
I was curious about what a dog with diabetes entails, and Heather said the following:
It is very easy to give insulin shots.  They go subcutaneuosly (just under the skin) and dogs have looser skin than people - so really all you do is lift up an area of skin on her back and stick the needle in!  There are no vital structures that you are in danger of hitting with the needle. She is on twice daily insulin injections (14 units twice a day - 28 total) - the vial of insulin (Humulin-N) is 10 mls (=1000 units) - so each bottle should last just over a month.  The syringes are very cheap and I called all of the local pharmacies down here and the insulin runs about $50 a bottle.  The owner of animal hospital said she would be more than happy to send a whole vial of insulin with Shy wherever she goes. 
If someone were able to help foster her, E and I would also help finance the cost so she could have a 5 month supply of insulin, and look into providing other financial options thereafter. Update: HoundDogMom made an interesting point in the comments section noting how easy it is to care for a diabetic animal.
We feel so lucky that someone saw something special and took a chance on Miss M and Mr B, much like other adopted dogs who someone took a chance on. We're really hoping that Shy gets this same chance. Please let us know if anyone has any thoughts or ideas. And here is a video of Shy in action, so you can really see her sweet nature shining through:


Anonymous said...

What a sweet girl! I was so hoping you were going to be her foster home, but I completely understand why you can't. Hopefully someone will step up and be willing to take her in!

Kate said...

omg, what a cutie! We can't foster right now either unfortunately and the rescue we work with really tries to pull dogs that are on the verge of being euthanized so I don't think I could make that work :(

Does she have a chipin page (or can one be created?) or can you share where we could send a donation? I would definitely be willing to throw a little money her way for her care.

Heather said...

Thank you, thank you A and E, for posting this! I know that there is someone out there for "Shy-shy" and we truly appreciate your help :)

Elaine Pritchard said...

Shy sounds beautiful....thanks for spreading the word about her. I hope it helps to bring forward the right family so she can live happily ever after

Love and licks Winnie x

jen said...

Shy looks like such a sweet girl!
I hope she finds her forever home.

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a beautiful little girl. Hopefully she will find a wonderful forever home just like the one your kids found
Benny & Lily

HoundDogMom said...

We hope your post helps Shy find a foster home if not her fur-ever home. People should not be afraid of a pet with diabetes. We have a cat that has been living 3 years with it. The shots are so easy to give and our cat actually comes to you in the morning looking for it. He knows he needs it and wants it. It runs about $55 for a bottle which lasts us 1-1/2 months getting 12 units twice a day. We were able to catch it early so he has not had any eye sight problems. But I had a basset that was blind and it is amazing how they don't even let it phase them. I pray Shy finds a great place and we think the U of I rocks. They helped our bloodhound Tabby when she was about 2. Thanks for all you are doing for the Pitties. :)

Tucker The Crestie said...

Shy looks like such a sweetheart! We hope she can find a forever home. Our Aunt D. would be perfect - as she is a vet tech and has three adopted bully mixes, but she also has two cats and is about to have a baby, so that won't work. :o(

Anonymous said...

Shy is such a beautiful girl! It's wonderful that you all are helping to spread the word about her. Hopefully she'll find that forever home soon... keeping my fingers crossed for her!

I love reading about your daily adventures with your pitties. Keep up the good work!

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

Tweeted & facebooked this story- I hope she finds a home!

Corbin said...

It is so hard to see how people can just dump their dogs like that... We are also grateful that Corbin was given a second chance and we do what we can to foster and help save other dogs so they can have the same opportunity. I hope someone can foster this beautiful girl. It's very generous of you to help with her costs! We'll keep our fingers crossed that she finds a foster or a forever home! Please keep us updated!
-Corbin's momma, Jenn

Kristine said...

Shy seems like such a lovely dog. Her energy and willingness to do anything for a cookie remind me a lot of my own dog. I hope she finds the perfect foster home soon.

It is very kind of you to do this. I will spread the word as much as I can.

houndstooth said...

She looks like a total sweetheart! Have they thought about starting a Facebook page for her? That has really helped a lot of dogs with a variety of issues. They might be able to find people to foster her, help with her medicine and also someone interested in adopting her. If she had something like that, we'd be happy to share it on our Facebook page and I bet a lot of others would, too!

brooke said...

Awww. I hope you're able to help Shy find a foster home (or forever home)! Love that you are helping spread the word about her.
Have you read the book Oogy yet? I think you guys would like it. I got it for Christmas and read it in a day. A dog story that starts out sad and ends happy!

Anonymous said...

She is SO adorably sweet and cute! I sure hope somebuddy can foster her. I like Bunny's idea of creating a facebook page for her. My mom and me would share it on our pages, too.

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

she is adorable, and so lucky, being cared for by all those knowledgeable people at the vet clinic. but, no matter how sweet the vet staff, a clinic is not a home, and that little girl deserves a warm, cushy home environment. with wood furniture and upholstery, rugs, toys, and sofas. i bet it comes along fast. maybe shy and lollie can send good doggie adoption karma back and forth to each other!

follow our foster:

Cate said...

Oh what a beautiful girl and so nice she is being very well cared for! Hope she gets that loving home soon!

Anonymous said...

On, she is such a cutie!!! We're not in the Chicago area, but if a home can be found for her (surely someone will want her!), would be very willing to donate to support her needs!

A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

Way to make me cry over my lunch! She's beautiful! We have also found that we're no longer a foster option for dogs in need - canine patience for newcomers here has become thin and we know we need to respect that. That said, I'll help spread the word. Please post if you set up a page to donate for help with costs.

Unknown said...

Shy is beautiful! I hope she finds her perfect home soon!

Daisy Dog said...

Such a sweet girl. I totally understand about having 2 females, that is why Daisy is the queen. When Mouse showed up I was not sure we could do it, but becuase he is older and extrmely mellow, she has no problems. I hope Shy finds a good home. I am one of those people who would take a high maintenance dog in a heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

After your great posting, I'm sure Shy will find a great home. I have a friend Bogey who is a diabetic. He has insulin shots every day. He's a great dog and helped my human brothers learn how to take care of a dog. He belongs to my grandma's best friend. She's a great lover of animals. I'll keep sending supportive vibes your way.
Great job!

Your Pal Opie!

Peppy Sheppys said...

Oh poor shy. Canine diabetes is very manageable. We hope she gets a furever home soon.

Sheps w/Pep, Otis and Edgrr.

The Daily Pip said...

Oh, I sure hope Shy finds a home. She seems very sweet and loving. Diabetes is very manageable in dogs and cats.

Your pal, Pip

Kirby, CGC said...

I often wonder too about Kirby's previous life. I think it was a mixed bag of sorts, someone did teach him some obedience, but I think he was also punished severely. I am glad Shy ended up where she did, I just know her happy ending story is just beginning!

Kirby's mom

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Hallo! We are here with the Saturday Blog Hop! Our Mama volunteers for an animal rescue organization called Almost Home Foundation, which is based in Elk Grove Village. Have you contacted them at all? They place dogs in foster homes, and they are very active at finding adoptive homes for dogs, with adoption shows every weekend. This is where Trixie came from. Our Mama wishes she could help Shy, but she lives with Gramma and Grampa who say No More Furries, PLUS she has us... one of us is a cat and one is a chihuahua! But someone out there is the perfect home for Shy! If you haven't called Almost Home Foundation, their phone number is (630)582-3738. They get new dogs every week, including lots of pitbulls, SO maybe they'll have room for Shy!

Nadia said...

My dog Emma just loves to snuggle and get attention. She came from a very abusive family and it makes me sick to think about what she must have had to deal with.

Sightless said...

Hey guys,

Charlie and I wanted to come over and thank you for sending us love during our rough time.

I always wonder what Emma's life was like before I got her - I try to piece it together, but it's really hard to infer anything. I think what you guys are doing for Shy is incredible, commendable, and I'm proud to say that I "know" you! We wish her lots of luck in finding the perfect forever home.

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

Shy Looks like a fun loving gal! We are sure hoping that she finds her forever home soon, or at least a foster home so she doesn't have to live at the Vet's Office.

Mary said...

I can tell you the word is getting out because third-party people I am friends with on Facebook have been linking to your blog-rescue people involved in Stray Rescue. And the picture that comes up is one of Ms. M and they are commenting on how adorable she is. But don't worry-they say the dog pictured is not the one for adoption!

What a little angel. I'm tearing up at the video you posted. I think of my little Tuna and how he was likely abused and I am just heartbroken when I think about it. I hope that this sweet girl finds a forever home deserving of her. Thank you for everything you are doing to help her and please keep us posted!

Bobby said...

Our paws are crossed for Shy to get a new home and the love she deserves.
She looks a great pup and would make someone a good companion.

Laura and Hans said...

When I was growing up, one of our many dogs had diabetes and my mother gave her inusulin injections for quite a few years. Poor old Freckles also lost most of her sight but she was always loved and well taken care of. Shy looks so sweet, and I have a feeling that your post will surely get things moving in the right direction for her. I hope she ends up in a home where she gets spoiled as much as all of our dogs do!

ForPetsSake said...

I've pet sat for several diabetics and it is one the most manageable long term diseases out there. Symptoms are easy to catch if there's a problem later on. She seems like a real sweetie and we hope she finds a forever home fast!!

Road Dog Tales said...

What a sweetie! We are keeping our paws crossed that she finds her perfect forever home soon!

The Road Dogs

Kari in Alaska said...

Shy sounds like an amazing pup. I sure hope she finds a home soon!


AmyGrace said...

I would love to potentially foster Shy, hopefully bring her home with me forever. How do I contact the proper people for a visit?

Anonymous said...

I just read on facebook that Shy has been adopted- is this true? I am overwhelmed with people's kindness today!

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