Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Meet Our New Foster: Levi

 We were hoping to try fostering again before the summer ended, but between our Goofus and Gallant it's sometimes hard to find the right fit. Then we met Levi. Levi lived as a stray on the mean streets of Chicago, which for many dogs would have made them tough and hardened. Though for Levi, it seems to have had the opposite effect; Despite a guesstimate of 3-4 years, he still seems adorablely puppy.
Sure he may have picked up some strange sleeping habits from his past life:
But he is adorably gangly and smooshy, seeming to have no understanding of his own body. Or maybe he just dreams of being a flying superhero?
 In his short stay here, he has become quite a Mr. B mini-me:
 But is a much more manageable size for walking:
But Mr. B isn't so sure he's ready to step away from his pink toys yet:
As we learn more, we'll have more updates about Levi on our Facebook page, and he is available through Miss M's rescue group New Leash on Life.  If you would like to meet this super-hero in real life, he will be making an appearance at Saturday's adoption event at Whole Foods, and he will also be participating in this Sunday's dog-walking club. He already has quite the packed social calendar!


Anonymous said...

Oh my! What a sweetie! I love his flying super hero poses! I have no doubt you'll have him ready for his perfect family in no time!

jen said...

so freaking cute!!

In Black and White said...

Yay, how exciting! I look forward to hearing all about him. We're keeping our fingers crossed that you plan a Walking Club route a bit closer to home soon so that Bilbo and I can come and join in (either that, or we'll just have to wait a month or two until I get my driving license!)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I was waiting for this announcement. I esp love the photo of him as Mr B's mini-me :)

Unknown said...

Levi is adorable! So glad you are able to help another pup :)

Unknown said...

Levi is a real looker! And it seems like Mr. B is handling his arrival very nicely. Can the same be said for Ms. M? Can't wait to read lots of tales of this very luck boy........isn't fostering just the best! I've been doing it for a couple of years and wouldn't trade it for anything.

Anonymous said...

He does sort of resemble Mr B. How does Miss M like having the new guy around?

Anonymous said...

Yay for new fosters!!! I saw your photo last night and thought that Levi looks a lot like our Turk! They are about the same age too - you think they could be long lost brothers??? :)

Maisie's Mom said...

wow, he is adorable!!! I'm sure NLOL is uber grateful to have you guys as fosters. what a lucky pup!

Claudia said...

Those pics w/Mr. B are adorable!

Anonymous said...

He's just unbearably adorable. The markings on his face are even similar to Mr. B's - and how wonderful that they've hit it off so well together. Congrats to you guys for fostering again!

Mia said...

Such a handsome boy!!! It looks like he has really taken to Mr. B!! Home he finds an amazing home!!

Jess & Mia

SherBear said...

OMG he is adorable!!!! If I hadn't just adopted Nala I probably would have adopted him - Nala does the super(wo)man thing too, must be a Chicago streetdog thing!

Tucker The Crestie said...

Drool! I am SUCH a sucker for black and white pitties! They are to me what orange cats are for some people - absolutely irresistible. Ah, well someday ...

Dog Foster Mom said...

!He is so adorable! I love how he lays all stretched out - so cute! Thanks for fostering him until he can find his forever home.

Antoinette Errante said...

OH he's adorable!!!! I think you need to enter him in the bullfrog contest!!!

Leila said...

OMDOG!!!! What a cutie. The smile, the adoring eyes, his super hero pose - I WANT!!!!!!

Trissi_V said...

OMG...when I saw the first pic I thought he may have been 6 months old. Well, I think someone will end up a very lucky parent to this perma-puppy. He's just adorable!!!!

Beth said...

He is adorable! Someone will be lucky to have him as a member of their family!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a cutie pie
Benny & Lily

AJ said...

He's adorabull!!!!

Froggy said...

He is a looker! What a cuuuutue pie! That's great that Miss M and Mr B are so good at sharing. I can't wait to hear and see more about him.

Heather said...

What a cutie pie! And a great size too, like a forever puppy :)

Passion4Pits said...

As cute as can possibly be! You should def add him to the upcoming frog- calendar!!!!

Passion4Pits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nancy said...

This is just Cute Overload!

Corbin said...

Levi is quite the handsome dude! I can't wait to hear more about him!

Bobby said...

Levi does look young, his face looks like a puppy.
Another stretchy dog, we hope all goes well and he gets a great home.

brooke said...

So cute!!!!
I have a feeling he's not going to be at your house very long!

Jacquelin Cangro said...

Welcome Levi! He sure does looks like a Mr. B mini me.
I bet Levi is practicing to save the world with his super hero pose.
Also I have to type in the word pitti as my word verification to post this comment. How appropo!

diane said...

He's doing frog pose! You should submit some photos and turn him into a calendar boy :)

Mack said...

All the gals in blogland are gonna go crazy over Levi!!

Unknown said...

What a handsome handsome boy! I can't believe he isn't a puppy, great pictures too you guys are pro with your new DSLR. Can't wait to read more about your life being 3 pitties in the city.

Brenda said...

Oh my goodness, Levi is ADORABLE. I love his floppy-body!! :) How do you foster? I am so very grateful for fosters - I work with an organization that does fostering and adopting of children, and of course am passionate about dog foster care. But I just can't do it myself, I have to support those who can. I have volunteered to foster twice - the first was Lucky, and the second was Lady. You see how that worked out - LOL!

jet said...

my eyes are burning from teh cute!!

I never cease to be impressed by you guys, fostering in an apartment where you already have two dogs!

I would really like to foster but I can't do that unless I have enough time to make sure all the parties get along. :P

Chris said...

Who could not love him, what a cutie!

Mary said...

He does look like a puppy! What an adorable little pocket pittie. I hope he is settling in well so far. I'm sure it's stressful to bring a new dog home at first, so good luck these first few days. Mr. B will be an excellent role model!

Of Pit Bulls and Patience said...

A mini-B!!! He sure has personality- what a lucky guy to end up with you! I hope he makes a great first impression on your group walk!

houndstooth said...

Levi is just adorable! I don't think he'll have to wait too long before somebody falls hopelessly in love with him!

Kate said...

He is just too cute!! I love how similar he and Mr. B are.

The Whitfields said...

She is just precious & so lucky to have a great foster home with you all!

Kari in Alaska said...

he is too cute


Jane said...

So pleased to have come across your blog (via Facebook) - Levi is just gorgeous, as are your own two dogs. I just love pitties, but it's greyhounds I have a house full of here in the UK! We are fostering too - there's never a dull moment ;-)

A Wonderful Dogs Life said...

Levi is a cutie. How will you ever be able to let him go?

I adore the picture of Mr. B with his toys.


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