Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mr. B's Camera: Chicago's Wrigleyville by Dogs

Wrigley Field always seems to be one of the first things people want to visit when they come to Chicago. People are always flooding in to see its iconic marquee, bevy of bars, and bustling streets. While this is what we see, we realized that our dogs' perspectives are far different. As we analyzed the photos according to Mr. B's camera and compared it to our view of the renegade walk for SuperLevi, we realized: we may be on the same walk, but what we see is completely different.

How Pooches See Eachother and The Most Interesting Places in the Neighborhood:
 Colleagues and more places of interest
 Look at me, look at you:
 What happens at Wrigley Field Stays at Wrigley Field:
 This is a ballpark?
I wonder if the pooches ever notice the things we find most interesting on walks?

P.S. Stay tuned for end of the week updates on SuperLevi's fundraiser, raffle, and an exciting surprise.


SherBear said...

Love the pictures!!!!

Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

This is so funny...I love Mr B's photos. Mostly, I love when his cute chin gets in the shot!

Unknown said...

As always, great pictures! So excited to hear the news :)

Kim @ Yellow Brick Home said...

Aw, I of course love the photo of Jack looking at Bruno. He LOVES Bruno, and he talks about him all day after SociaBull walks :)

Corbin said...

I think Mr. B is just the best photographer!

Anonymous said...

I love that his chin is in so many photos! What interesting views he has!!

Kate said...

1.) What is the percentage of time that Levi spends rolling around on his back? It seems every picture is him being a squirmy worm (I love it)

2.) Is the dog in the third picture down on yesterday’s post a long lost redheaded sibling/relative of Mr. B? They have the same cute floppy ears and soulful eyes. I think his name is Ollie (?)… which makes him extra cute b/c that is my dog’s name too!!! (I know they aren't really related, but I'm smitten for both for the same cute features)

Unknown said...

Really like the still photos - Mr. B's videos sometimes make me dizzy despite liking the perspective of a dog's point of view. Waiting with bated breath for Super Levi's totals :).

Kate said...

Great shots Mr. B!

Tucker The Crestie said...

Haha - great to show an alternate perspective of the same walk! Mr. B. is an awesome photographer! :)

Anonymous said...

Was that Miss M all fallen over on her back wanting tummy rubs?

Yep...things are awful different down here. We're closer to the smells! You humans miss out on SO much.

Wiggles & Wags,

Darwin said...

Mr. B has quite an eye for photography! Love the photos!

Unknown said...

This is awesome. I love seeing the animals on the Animal Planet when they have cameras on them. They are such smart creatures. :) These are awesome. Its interesting to see the world from their perspective.

Two French Bulldogs said...

oh Mr.B you are a natural
Benny & Lily

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