Thursday, July 19, 2012

Miss M's Decorating Decisions

Back when we were bachelorettes together, Miss M and I started a weekly tradition of going to the Farmer's Market each Saturday morning. We have been seeing the same Farmer for the last 5 years (he still remembers Miss M from the 'old days') and we always come home with armloads of flowers.
I always like how they smell, but then I noticed Miss M really taking ownership of our choices:
 And making sure they are perfectly arranged.
Is it possible Miss M can really appreciate flowers?


Rachel said...

Miss M does have fantastic taste! Fresh flowers are beautiful. And that's really cool you are still able to go visit the same market every weekend. Does Mr B get to make any decorative choices? :-)

Brenda said...

It does look like it! I sometimes notice Lady attending to things that I attend to. It's so funny, and I always wonder what's going on in her head as she sniffs and carefully examines whatever it was I was just looking at - a strange weed in the flower bed, or a corner of the trellis...

Anonymous said...

She is such a girlie girl!

Luv My Rosie said...

OMG how cute is that!!!! She looks perfectly at home smelling the flowers. Such a character!

Trissi_V said...

Maybe Miss M was a florist in a former life. :-)

Barbara said...

You KNOW she does! I'm surprised she's not arranging them herself!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

She's got much better taste than I do! Can I borrow her to help me with my home decorating? ;-)

-Dr. Liz (and not Fiona the dog, who also appreciates flowers - especially the tasty ones!

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

Wow, you guys do have a decorator's touch! Flowers in my house would be strewn across the living room floor in no time. Thanks for the inspiration!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Beautiful Ms M, just like you
Benny & Lily

Kitty+Coco said...

Yes, it seems like she does appreciate the finer things in life! So funny. Coco has a real interest in flowers also. She has to smell EVERY single one she comes across, while Kitty in not interested in the least. I bet Ms. M walks by and fixes a wayward bud with her paw when you are not looking :)

Mary said...

Being so beautiful herself, Miss M knows to recognize beauty in all things.

A Wonderful Dogs Life said...

I think it's very possible Miss M appreciates a good flower. Our little Bella likes to sniff "pretties".


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