Saturday, September 9, 2017

Saying Goodbye to Miss M

Thursday we said goodbye to our Miss M.
It was sudden. And being Miss M, we were sure she would pull out of it like she had so many times before.
Because...she is Miss M.
Miss M always had the biggest personality in the room.
People loved meeting her.
Someone at the West Town dog parade said it best "I've met a lot of friendly dogs, but this one takes the cake".
The Friar even stepped out of the play at Shakespeare in the Park because he wanted to say hi to her!
She was the perfect dog owner for Mr. B and the best older sister for Baby K. She always made sure Mr. B was warm and well cuddled. As for Baby K, she was really gentle and patient with him from his first days in our home and we could not ask for better older siblings than Miss M and Mr. B. Though Baby K will never remember his life with Miss M, we are certain she has made him a better human as she did for all of us.
Miss M drills Baby K on his tummy time
We always knew she would be the perfect role model for Baby K. She had so much love to give that everyone she met instantly became her best friend. Even though people would judge her before meeting her, she always greeted them with a huge grin and a lick.
She always had the best expressions.
Sometimes we thought she was part goat. Or donkey. Or gorilla.
And she had the softest fur. People were always exclaiming that her ears were like velvet. She loved getting out there. We couldn't even think about things to add to her bucket list because she had already done everything. She had no regrets.
There is still so much to tell. And we still want to be able to tell it.
We haven't had a chance to write about their biking adventures yet!
We are grateful to everyone who rooted for her and loved her as much as we did.
Our Mazzy Star.


maddeelou said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I loved following Miss M.'s adventures thru your blog.

Jannie24 said...

I have followed you for so long and I can't tell you how sorry I am for the loss of Miss M.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I never got to meet her but I loved seeing her photos. Sending love and light your way.

Unknown said...

Oh no! I've followed Ms. M for so long. I'm so sorry!!!! Anyone who knew her or followed her is a better person for having known Ms. M. She was love with fur.

ScooterPhoenix said...

I'm feeling your loss & I've never met you, but as the mom to 2 pits, one, a 14yo, I too cherish every moment and I try to make sure it is as wonderful as the one before. Dogs are there for us through our ups and downs and they make every moment better with their kisses or they way they look at us. I pray you cherish each memory. They are too good for us, but I bet you know that already.

Unknown said...

I started following you after we put a 24 hour hold at the shelter on our first pittie and I was researching pitties and stumbled across you guys. I feel like Miss M was my first bully dog. My stomach fell when I read the title to this blog entry. My heart aches for you. Thank you Miss M for all the learning and the laughs!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I have been thinking of Miss M for a long time now and this is heartbreaking. Thank you sharing her with us though- The beautiful pictures and stories you posted always made me smile. I am thinking of you and your family at this very difficult time.

Callie's Mom said...

G, I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. Her life will live on thanks to you and her blog. My Callie girl is sending you many many doggie kisses right now, and I am sending along big hugs!!!

Unknown said...

I believe there is no greater pain than losing our beloved pets, I'm terribly sorry to read about your beautiful "Miss M." She will be greatly missed by all her fans, myself included.

Diana K said...

I am so sorry. I've followed the dogs for so long, it feels like I've lost one of my own. Take care.

Dark Matters said...

My condolences. Miss M was the best! They leave such a big hole in your heart when they pass on but the memories you have of her may help assuage the pain a little.

Laura and Hans said...

I loved the Divine Miss M. She was s poster dog for all that is good about bullies, and I've said before that she paved the way for us getting our pitty Wilbur. This has been a sad year made even more so now.

Laura said...

How we love Miss M and our hearts are with you! Thank you so much for sharing your adventures and bringing such joy and fun to many through Two Pitties! Meeting the pups and y'all in person is a time we'll always treasure. Comfort and peace from God be with you.

Regina Hart said...

Please accept my most sincere condolences. I'm so heartbroken for you; it is so difficult to lose a beloved friend. Miss M was adored and cherished by so many, but no one more than you. Thank you for sharing her bright spirit with all of us.

Unknown said...

I am truly heartbroken by this news. Sadly our pups don't live forever and I knew the day would come but I guess I thought Miss M was the exception to the rule. I know how sad I am feeling right now so you're pain must be almost unbearable. Thanks for sharing her with us she never failed to make me laugh. Rest in peace sweet Mazy.

Unknown said...

This is such a touching tribute to Miss M! Our thoughts are with all of You! Xoxo

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear about Miss M. She lived a wonderful life with a wonderful family. I know your hearts are breaking, mine is too. Although we never met we shared so many of your great adventures through this blog. Daisy was always a bit jealous. Wishing you peace as you journey through this time. ~ Annie, Roscoe Mouse and Daisy from the Rainbow Bridge

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl.❤

Tambolina said...

I'm so sorry that your sweet girl has crossed the rainbow bridge. What a blessing that you found each other and shared so much joy.

Unknown said...

So sorry to read this. Yours was one of the first and only dog blogs I ever followed after adding an American Bulldog who was totally misinterpreted in Australia. He died 14 months ago after a 6 month battle with cancer (hemangiosarcoma) at the age of 5 and totally broke my heart...and triggered our move from Aus to the US. I hope your surviving beautiful boy is coping with her loss. She must have left a huge hole in your family.

kate said...

So sorry to read the title and know that the lovely face will not pop up on my feed anymore. I lost my almost 14 year old pittie suddenly a couple years ago and the memories stil provides smiles. Hoping that her memory will produce those smiles as you recollect all her adventures and her quirks.

RALee said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I have a staffy grandog so I get how loving they are. Miss M had such a bright personality. She will be missed. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

JustaGirl said...

I am so heartbroken to read this. Your blog about Miss M and Mr B truly changed the way I saw pitties. I truly enjoyed reading about their adventures and how they were such ambassadors for their breed! I even won one of your contests! I'm thinking of you all and especially Mr B as he is probably missing his Miss M greatly. Sending you all ❤️!

Kristin Avery said...

My heart broke when I read this news. Miss M truly made the world a better place. I am so grateful to have met her and your whole family. Sending you all kinds of love and support. Run free, Miss M ...

Kristine said...

I am so so so sorry you had to say goodbye to such a special dog. I have been following her amazing life for so long and so many of your stories have inspired my own adventures with Shiva. Miss M knew how to live life to its fullest. Thank you a million times for sharing a bit of her with us. Her beautiful smile will be greatly missed.

Sepaliti said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I've been following your adventures for about 6 years now, maybe longer? Can it be that long? What a wonderful, special dog! Thank you for sharing her with us. Poor Mr B! I know he loved her even though she was always in his business and in his space!

Miggsie said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I've followed your adventures with Miss M for years, and it's hard to imagine a world without her in it. Thank you for sharing her with all of us. Sending lots of love and hugs to your family, and especially to Mr. B.

Minabey said...

My sincere condolences. I've followed this blog for years and I will certainly miss her. But you're right, she's done so much in her life and you all have done so much for her as well. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Thanks for continuing this blog and sharing Ms. M and Mr. B to us.

Millie and Walter said...

I'm so sorry to hear of Miss M's passing. She sure was an excellent ambassador for bullie's and will be dearly missed.

Unknown said...

May you find comfort in all the wonderful times you shared.

LaVonne said...

So sorry for your loss! Thank you for sharing Miss M with us.

Unknown said...

I am sitting here between 2 of my 3 pitties with tears streaming down my face. I am so truly sorry for your loss and can not image the pain you guys are feeling. I will miss seeing Miss M's pouty sweet face. Hopefully 1 day you wil be able to adopt another sweet pittie.

Sue said...

I'm so sorry. My Fudge is now 12 and having a hard time getting around and the 'pups' are almost 11, so I know what you're feeling now. Your girl had a great life and made friends that she never even knew.

Anonymous said...

May the huge hole that she has left in your hearts and lives be filled with all the good memories and the love of all of Miss M's many fans - a huge number who never met any of you but knew you from following your blog. My pittie Walter and I are holding you in our hearts in the challenging days ahead as you navigate this los.

Rachel @ My Two Pitties said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Miss M. I've loved reading your stories and seeing your pictures for years now. She certainly had an amazing life with you. I'll always remember her goofy face and outgoing ways.

Unknown said...

so sorry to read about Miss M. I have enjoyed her and Mr. B for so long. it is so hard to lose a part of the family. so very hard. She and Mr. B were some of the most people dogs I have ever seen! Lucky you for finding her.

I hope in the coming future you will find a new girlfriend for Mr. B. There are so many wonderful pitties out there looking for a forever home and you all are the tops.

freckle face said...

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Miss M. I have been following your blog for some time. Several years ago, my 2 dogs passed away within a year of each other. Seeing Miss M and Mr B's sweet and gentle natures inspired me to rescue a pit bull after I lost my dogs. My pit bull is a great dog and brings so much joy to my life. I would never have thought to get her had I not followed Miss M on your blog. She truly touched my life!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I had been following the puppies lives on FB for a while now instead of coming directly to the blog, but felt like I should say something on your blog comments.

Your puppies gave many of us great joy in following their lives. Miss M was a classy girl with a spirit bigger than any room she ever entered. I am a little weepy writing this now, her passing hit me and probably everyone who followed Two Pitties hard...but I know its not even a quarter of what both you and Mr. B are going through right now.

You gave her the best life possible and she filled your lives with joy, love and laughter. I hope Mr. B is doing well, give him so extra hugs from all of us. Our thoughts are with all of you right now.

Unknown said...

I am so very sorry Miss M has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. I have enjoyed the misadventures of Miss M. and Mr. B. and (having been there before) feel for your loss of the unmeasurable love she gave you. She was a lucky dog to have had such a great family, she certainly led a very full life and was enjoyed by many. You are in my thoughts.

Katharine Holden said...

Best wishes.

PKBrandon said...

I am so sad. I have loved watching Ms. M and Mr. B for several years now. They are both so cute and Ms. M is so expressive - what a ham she is!! Loving every minute of life. She was so lucky to have you as her family and you all have done so much with both of them to dispel the negative about pittie mixes. My heart goes out to you but Ms. M could not have had a better life. RIP Ms. M!! xoxo

Ashley June said...

Sending you all a ton of love. So sorry for your loss but thank you for allowing us to know her.

BODIE said...

Sending big hugs. Yep she had the bestest life and lots of love

Unknown said...

I have just recently found your blog while researching winter coats for my baby Lexi. I have been playing catch up reading all your posts and have fallen in love with all the adventures of Ms. M And Mr. B! I am so saddened to hear of her crossing the rainbow bridge. I cried so much. She was incredibly lucky to have a family as loving as yours and to have lived a life with such adventure and love. Thank you for sharing her story. Sending you all the love from NYC

Callie's Mom said...

Callie girl and I are so,so sorry for your loss. As a mom I've lost special pets in the past and you find yourself missing them at different times in your life. The love, laughter and memories you have as a result of being adopted by Miss M will stay with you furever.

Lindsay said...

So sorry to hear of your loss. I just came back to check on your blog after being away for awhile. I always loved your stories and photos of Miss M. Thank you for sharing so much of her life with all of us.

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