On Sunday mornings we've starting taking "family walks" where we all walk together to
our favorite bakery.
La Farine makes the most amazing ciabatta bread; they are the supplier for many of the top restaurants in Chicago. We've been picking up some rolls, their amazing homemade caramelized onion and spicy cheese spreads, and some sweets from their rotating selection. It makes us feel quite European enjoying a Sunday continental breakfast complete with strawberries and orange juice.

Mr. B. enjoys the walks because he gets to help out. He brings
his backpack so he's able to carry our groceries home. Here he is proudly carrying the goods:

This walk detours from our typical route, and I was thinking about all the things I notice, and how it must be so different from the what the pooches see at their level. As I was walking, I was noticing
Free Internet at one of our favorite pizza places:

A plethora of huge churches:

Fine details on buildings from 1905:

And tagging on new construction:

From the pooches' perspective I imagine they were seeing:
Huge toys they can't reach:

Mysteries on fire hydrants:

Remnants of dogs who passed by here first:

Fine smells on buildings from 1905:

E's shoes and Mr B's buttock:

Crowds waiting for brunch meaning opportunities to be petted.

Discovering freshly baked bread at eye-level.

What else do you think they're really seeing that we're all missing?
You humans do miss out on a lot of cool things all walking around with your heads up in the sky. Mr. B. sure works hard lugging the groceries home.
I can't get over how good looking your dogs are! Love the backpack too. I've been wanting to get one too and just haven't found a good one yet. I often wonder what our dogs see that we don't - they just have a completely different perspective!
I wondered how long that bread would last!
I don't think Levi sees anything on our walks because he's so driven by his sense of smell. I have not found a treat that has a high enough value to get his attention away from sniffing. It's definitely his most irritating quality. But other than that, he's perfect.
i love taking a moment to notice what my pups see. When I walk(ed) the girls at night, I was always in awe of the neon lights around me until I realized it was pretty dark at their level
How fantastic. I love living in the suburbs, but it would be quite nice to live in a city and take our dogs out every day like ya'll do.
I bet you don't get too far though. I can only imagine how many times you get stopped by people wanting to pet your babies. They are quite beautiful.
They are such a pair. But on a non-doggie note, I also love the construction tagging photo. What a neat shot!
Hey guys we enjoyed the family walk. We would like to taste some of the good stuff on that plate. We love your jackets. Have a fun day
Benny & Lily
You had a great very interesting walk.
Yesterday I found a dead rabbit when we were out and about. And if it wasn't for me, mom and dad would totally have missed it. But can you believe it? They told me to leave it there! Humans are crazy.
Fantastic pictures of the neighborhood. I enjoy seeing the sights from the pooches' point of view.
You mention so many great eating places, I'm actually keeping a list but have not made it that way yet. Croissants and coffee? Yes, please!
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